/𝘚 𝘐 𝘟 𝘛 𝘠 𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙- 𝘗 𝘙 𝘖 𝘗 𝘏 𝘌 𝘊 𝘠/

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Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were known enemies, something everyone knew. However, they had one thing in common—> both of them supported Morgana and her beliefs.

Draco's was out of fear, being the coward he is. However, Harry's was out of loyalty and admiration. Morgana had done something Harry had always wanted somebody to do for him, which was going to the Dursleys and confronting them.

That alone made Harry extremely loyal to the dark lady.

However, never had he thought something like this would happen..:


It was Wednesday, the day of their last examination. They had done their charms examinations, transfiguration examinations, and all the others.
The only examination left was Divination.

"2 students from each house shall take their examinations!" Trelawney exclaimed as they all lined up, "I will be reading your partner's names and you shall come forward, the others shall go out of the classroom and wait outside!"

About 30 minutes later, it was finally time. "Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini."

Harry and Draco glared at each other as they sat down on opposite sides of the room with their partners.

Even though Hermione hated divination, she started taking it to be able to spy on Draco with Harry, and started to actually somehow enjoy it.

"Now, what do you see in the crystal ball, mister Potter?" Trelawney asked, gazing into her own crystal ball.

"I see problems lying ahead." Harry answered monotonously, saying random stuff as always.

Trelawney hummed and nodded, her crazy hair crazier then ever. "Good, good. What else?"

Harry started wincing and itching his mark under his robe, catching Draco's attention. His mark would randomly burn, reminding him of his mission. "I-.." but he stopped as Trelawney started talking.

"The dark lady who has been approaching shall be gone.
Born to a family of 7, one of them dead.
In the end, manipulation is his bestfriend.
But he shall have no idea of the power he holds, and they all will watch as the most shocking scene unfolds.
Shall he not know the truth, he will begin feeling the ruth.
And she shall not win, if the problems spin."
Trelawney stopped and started coughing, confusingly looking at the four wide-eyed students, "Sorry, my dears, it must be the weather."

"Yes-.." Hermione nodded, "The weather is-.."

"Very bad." Harry continued, also nodding.

"Extremely." Blaise joined in, "I think we shall have a rest tonight, because the weather is making us start to feel sick as well."

Draco nodded alongside him, thinking that Morgana could maybe forgive him if he told her about the prophecy. "I think so too, what about you Potter and Granger?"

The two Gryffindors nodded, "Yep." Hermione's voice slightly high pitched, "I think it's for the best."

Trelawney nodded, "Very well. I apologize for the weather—" but the four were already rushing out of the classroom.

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