/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠- 𝘔 𝘌 𝘌 𝘛 𝘐 𝘕 𝘎/

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"Do you know why we were called here?" asked Daphne in confusion.

"No." replied Blaise as they all sat down in the chairs by the long table, only the head chair remaining empty.

They immediately shut up as Morgana walked in, looking slightly tired but still panicked. "I've gathered you all here today because of something of mine missing." She started, folding her arms infront of her, "Does anyone have any idea who might want to break into my manor?"

"My lady, wouldn't Dumbledore do that?" asked Tracey Davies, who was usually quiet in meetings due to her blood-status.

"Yes, but who has the power and experience to be able to take down Salazar's wards?" rephrased Morgana, rolling her eyes when they all avoided eye-contact with her, making it clear how scared they were, except for Harry.

"My lady, that would be Bill Weasley." Harry answered, the only person having the guts to lean back on his chair as if he were on a vacation rather than sitting up straight.

"Any news, Granger?" Morgana questioned after a few seconds of tense silence.

Hermione cleared her throat, not being comfortable at the many glares she was receiving, "They're all getting ready for a war, my lady."

Morgana hummed and looked at each of her followers, her eyes stopping on Leo for a second too long, "You're all dismissed except for you Leo, Granger, and Potter."

They all apparated away except for the three. "Leo, go get your brother. I have a task for him." Morgana said, twirling her wand in her hands.

"Yes, my lady." mumbled Leo as he apparated away.

Morgana looked at the two infront of her and slowly started smirking, "I'd like you two to duel."

"..We're not 17 yet to be able to use magic outside of school." Hermione said.

"What happens in Slytherin Manor, stays in Slytherin Manor. Not even the ministry can be alerted when magic is used here."

"Alright, my lady." Harry said, dramatically bowing as the two walked to the middle of the room and started dueling.

"Try non-verbal spells." The dark lady advised, looking at the two dueling.

"My lady." Leo bowed, his brother next to him trying to mask his fear.

"You're dismissed Leo."

Leo nodded and apparated away, leaving Draco with Morgana. She looked away from the duel and looked at the pale Malfoy, "I have a task for you."

Draco nodded. He was trying so hard to mask his fear that he forced himself to look her in the eye, a huge mistake as it was now easy for her to see his front thoughts.

"Show me your forearm."

Draco tensed. He was just thinking about how he hoped not to get the mark and only 2 seconds later..
He pulled his sleeve and watched as Morgana put two fingers on his forearm, the pain making him scream.

Hermione and Harry stopped dueling at that moment and watched as Draco was now receiving the mark..quite painfully.

Draco panted as the pain was now gone and Morgana was watching him carefully. "Listen carefully, Malfoy, because I'm not repeating myself." She said, continuing when he nodded, "You will be killing Dumbledore."

Draco's eyes, along with Hermione's and Harry's, widened with shock. "Get back to your duel." Morgana motioned for the two, who both nodded and got back to it.

"My-..my lady..Dumbledore? Surely, I-..I can't..He's way too..too powerful-.."

"I believe I have made myself clear, Malfoy." Morgana cut him off coldly, "I've got another task as well: you shall be repairing a broken vanishing cabinet that's in the room of requirement. It has a twin in Borgin and Burkes, which you will be visiting soon with a couple of deatheaters like Marvolo has planned."

Draco nodded, too shocked and scared to say anything. Morgana continued once again, "You have until 30th of June for the vanishing cabinet to be fixed, and Dumbledore has to be dead by then."

"Yes, my lady." Draco replied weakly.

As soon as Draco apparated away, Morgana smirked as Harry somehow had won. "Well done, Potter." She complimented, ignoring the groaning from a pained muggleborn.

"Thank you, my lady."

"Welcome to the inner-circle."

Harry's eyes widened with joy, "I'm an inner member?"

"Yes." Morgana replied and looked at Hermione, "You have won after all, Potter. Now, Granger shall need to prove herself soon. Dismissed."

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