/𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘌 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘗 𝘌 𝘛 𝘙 𝘐 𝘍 𝘐 𝘊 𝘈 𝘛 𝘐 𝘖 𝘕 𝘚/

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Morgana looked around the great hall, wanting to know who the mudbloods were. "You should eat." glared Thomas, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She sighed as she piled some food on her plate and started eating, but still looked around the hall. Since the day that she cried in Marvolo's arms, he had been more protective around her, reminding her to eat was one of the things that changed.

She almost started grinning as a Gryffindor mudblood, Colin Creevey, started annoying Potter. This was perfect. She stood up, much to the dismay of her snake, "I've got..business." She mumbled to the three, who nodded, knowing what she meant.


"Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest Of Hogwarts Four." She smirked at the sight of Medusa.

"Is it time?"

"Yes, Medusa. I need you to petrify a mudblood. His name is Colin Creevey. He has Potions first class. Could you do that?"

Medusa nodded, "Of course, heiress."

Tom sat down as he changed back into his human form and watched as his cousin started stroking the huge basilisk and talked with her. His lips quirked up at the thought of how alike they were. It just made him proud that his cousin was following in his footsteps..he felt needed and..loved, for once.


Morgana sat down in Charms class next to her girlfriend. She pulled out her books, parchments and quills with one hand, while her other hand was on her girlfriend's thigh. It was a normal occurrence to see Morgana to be either holding her hand, touching her thigh, or slinging an arm over her girlfriend's shoulder.

Amara smiled as she knew why she did this. It was to remind herself that she actually had someone who loved her, despite the darkness in her veins and heart.

"You okay, chérie?"

Morgana replied with a small smile, "Yes, dear."

Amara nodded and went back to writing her notes.


Dumbledore stood up in the great hall, which quietened down. "There's been another attack. This time, it was on a student." whispers started to go around the great hall, while Morgana looked unbothered, "Colin Creevey. Now, I must inform you all that it's better to walk to classes with a group of your friends."

As Dumbledore finished his speech, Morgana made eye contact with the golden trio.


"I've got a list filled with names of mudbloods." Leo announced, giving Morgana a parchment.

Morgana sat up and took the parchment, looking at the names. As much as she wanted Potter to be framed, she still wanted to have some fun. "You've done well, Leo..Your brother, however," she made eye contact with Draco.

The color drained from Draco's face as he looked away, making Leo roll his eyes. "I'll have a word with him, my lady."

Morgana hummed as she stood up, "This is very important, Leo. One mistake, either he'll get tortured, or his mother is."

Leo's eyes widened slightly as she left, knowing how his little brother was close with their mother. He made eye contact with Draco and sneered, making Draco flinch. As much as he wanted power, he wasn't going to let his mother get tortured because of his brother, and he knew Morgana's threats were real, so he has to somehow help Draco now..

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