/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙- 𝘊 𝘏 𝘈 𝘔 𝘗 𝘐 𝘖 𝘕 /

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Amara frowned as her girlfriend pulled out a parchment, "You're putting your name in?"

Morgana nodded, frowning at her worried tone. "I'll be alright, my love."

"But-..the death toll, Morgan."

"I'll be fine, darling." Morgana repeated, looking at the parchment in her hand , 'Morgana-Gaunt'

She walked into the great hall, where the goblet of fire was stood at in the middle, and walked over to it.

"You're putting your name in?" Asked Regulus in excitement.

"Yep." Morgana replied and glanced at the paper one last time and put it in.

The goblet glowed bright Blue for a couple of seconds and then dimmed, meaning that it accepted the parchment.


The students all excitedly chattered as Dumbledore walked into the great hall, also looking excited. "Sit down, please. Now the moment we've all been waiting for: The Champion Selection!" exclaimed Dumbledore as the students from the three schools all became quiet.

They all watched in shock and awe as the blue fire around the goblet turned red and shot out a paper. "The Durmstrang champion is..Viktor Krum!"

The students all applauded the quidditch star as he took the paper and walked downstairs. The Beauxbatons students sat up straighter, knowing it was their turn.

"The Beauxbatons champion is..Fleur Delacour!"

A girl, who seemed to be a veela, stood up and accepted the paper, walking downstairs as well.

The Hogwarts students and professors now sat up straighter.. "The Hogwarts champion...is..Morgana Gaunt!"

Morgana smirked as she stood up, while the Slytherins applauded extremely high for her. She walked over to Dumbledore, her smirk fading and turned into a hard glare, shaking his hand reluctantly and walked downstairs, making eye contact with a proud Tom for a second.


Dumbledore and the other professors walked downstairs. "The first task will be the element: Fire." said Bartemius Crouch sr.

"That's all the information you're giving us?" glared Viktor, the two girls nodding along with him.

"Yes." said Bartemius, unbothered and walked away.


Morgana walked into the Room Of Requirement where Barty Crouch jr. (who was finally in his own body) and Tom were waiting for her to train her for the first task.

"Any news on the first task?" asked Morgana as she put down her bag.

"It's a dragon." Barty smirked.

"That's it?"

Tom looked slightly worried. "You'll have to be getting a golden egg from a nest mother, while her own eggs are there."

"You're joking." Morgana said, her eyes widening in shock.

"Nope." Barty grinned, making the two cousins glare at him for his happy tone, "What? It's going to be interesting."

"Seeing me get burnt, very interesting I'm sure." scoffed Morgana.

Tom stood up, "You can speak to dragons in parseltongue , but it's best to get you trained just incase something goes wrong."


Morgana looked confused as she looked at Barty, whom she just beat in a duel. "Why did I just duel you? Can the dragon duel or something?" She asked in, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

Tom chuckled, "No, but Barty had been wanting to duel you for very long. Alright there, Bartemius?"

"Don't call me that." grumbled Barty as he painfully stood up, "You're good, kid."

"Obviously." She shrugged.


Hours later, Morgana finally walked back to her dorm. She changed into comfortable clothes and laid in bed next to her girlfriend, who was turned away, "Love?"

Amara hummed, still not over the fact that she could potentially lose her girlfriend. "Hey." Morgana said, wrapping her arm around her waist from behind and pulling her closer, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Amara mumbled. Morgana frowned as her girlfriend spun to face her, noticing her expression. She cupped Amara's face, "Hey," and tiled her chin up with her fingers, "I'll be alright, my love-"

"But you could get hurt."

Morgana frowned, realizing something, "You know that this would be happening more often in the future, right?"

Amara frowned and nodded. "Do you-.." Morgana choked out, "Do you even think about us having a future?"

"Of course I do!" exclaimed Amara immediately and stood up slightly, "This is different."

"It's quite the same. Me going on dangerous missions would happen very often."

Amara frowned deeper and looked away. Morgana sat up on bed, "You don't-..you don't think-"

"I do think about us, alright?" Amara cut her off, "And I support your dreams and beliefs 100%. It's just that I'll get worried whenever you go on dangerous missions and I know that."

"I'll be alright, though-"

"You might somehow find a way to be immortal, but you can't stop yourself from getting hurt sometimes."

"But it'll just be a bit blood which would be gone easily-"

"But the thought of almost losing you won't be gone easily."

Morgana stopped and looked away as her girlfriend looked at her, "I'll be fine." She tried.

"If you would just let me join you on missions that would happen-"

"They haven't even started yet."

"But promise me that you'll let me join."

"No way." Morgana said, "There is absolutely no way I'm letting you put yourself in danger, Amara. What am I supposed to do when the only person I care for, gets hurt or-..or worse?"

"..I don't know-.. you-..You could help me get immortality." Amara slightly grimaced.

Morgana sighed, "Let's talk about this in the future, yeah? Right now, let's just enjoy being us."


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