/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘌 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘋 𝘙 𝘈 𝘊 𝘖/

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"You requested to talk?" Draco asked as he sat down infront of his brother in the courtyard.

Leo, who was sitting alone under a tree while reading, closed his book and lifted his head up. "It's time."

Draco paled, "I-..I'm 12, Leo-"

Leo glared as he leaned forward, "You have almost ruined the Slytherin name our Lady has recovered. She made every single Slytherin accept her rules which specifically were: no homophobia, no hexing for fun, no bullying for fun, etc." he continued, ignoring the fact that his brother got paler each second, "But you, Draco.." he tutted and leaned back onto the tree, "You broke almost every rule. Now you have to suffer the consequences. Trust me, it's not going to be fun." He almost shuddered, knowing how advanced her crucios are, due to failing something he was specifically tasked to do in Third year, even though she had been training him for months.

Draco blinked away his tears as he looked at the ground in shame. He jumped as a snake lifted his head up from Leo's shoulders, "Who's that?"

Leo started stroking his scales as the snake glared at Draco, as if daring him to refuse what he was told to do. "It's Morgana's snake, Thomas."

Draco gulped and slightly backed away, noticing the glare. He sighed and looked at his brother, "Please, Leo. You can help me-" he stopped as he saw his brother's cold glare, "What's my first task..?"

Leo smirked in victory, "She'll talk to you soon." He stood up and looked at his brother one last time, "Do not disappoint the family name, dragon."


"Good evening, Draco." Morgana coolly said as she sat infront of the said boy in the library.

Draco flinched violently, not looking up from the table, making Morgana and her..snake..share an amused look.

"What-..What's- my f-first task, my lady?"

Morgana rolled her eyes at his stutter, "Look at me." She ordered, making the said boy gulp and look at her. "Legilimens."
A 8-year old Draco rushed up to her mother, giving her a flower he picked up from the garden, "Happy mother's day!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Narcissa's eyes softened as she crouched down to her son's level and took the flower, "Thank you, dragon. You're so smart!"

Draco giggled, but his smile faltered when his brother walked in and rolled his eyes, "Really, Draco? Aren't you supposed to be with your tutor right now?"

"He's taking a break this week, dear." Narcissa informed, giving his younger son a smile which made him smile again.

Lucius walked in and frowned, making Draco's lips wobble slightly, "No, he will not be taking any breaks, Cissa. Our son is a Malfoy and he has to start acting like one. Look at your brother, Draco. Do you know who he has made friends with?"

Draco questioningly looked at his brother, who was smirking, while his father proudly looked at his heir, "He has made friends with the only living Gaunt left."

Narcissa gasped in horror, not wanting his son to turn out like his father.. "He's honoring the family name, and you're not ruining it anytime soon." Lucius finished, glaring at his son.

"Lucius, it's just a week-"

"I stand by my decision, Cissa."

Narcissa sighed, "Very well."
"There will come a time when you'll be a member of Morgana's army, Draco." Leo stated excitedly, unbothered by how his 10-year old brother's face fell.

Lucius proudly smirked as Regulus also started talking, "She's amazing! So powerful!-"

"I don't want to.." mumbled Draco, making everybody's heads turn towards him.

Lucius and Leo frowned, "What?" Lucius asked sharply.

"I-.." Draco looked at his mother for help, who was looking at him in pity, "Nevermind."
Draco sobbed in her mother's arms, desperately trying to get some air, "I-..I don't want to mum! Please, I don't!"

Narcissa sighed as she rubbed his back comfortingly, "It'll be alright, dragon. I'll stay with you and help you every step of the way."
Morgana stared at Draco for a few seconds, unblinking. Draco gulped and looked away, trying to avoid her eye.

She took in a shaky breathe, which Thomas immediately noticed, making him look at her in concern. She just saw what she always had wanted; a mother. Or even a father.

Honestly, she didn't care. She just wanted a family..

"..My lady?" Draco questioned uncertainly, making her snap out of her thoughts.

Morgana almost sighed, but held it in, "I need you to conjure a snake near Potter infront of a large audience when the moment shows itself. Do I make myself clear?"

Draco nodded, relieved when he wasn't tasked with something very important that might cost a life.

Morgana motioned for him to leave, but made him stop when she started talking again, "Those kind of tasks that you're so afraid of will happen in a few years when you're older."

Draco's eyes widened as he looked at her back for a few seconds. Her head turned around as her sharp Green eyes met his Gray ones, "Do not disappoint me, Malfoy. The task I just gave you might sound simple, but it is very important."

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