/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘉 𝘈 𝘓 𝘓/

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Morgana, who was wearing a suit, tied her green tie as her girlfriend walked in wearing a gorgeous emerald green dress, making her eyes widen.

Amara giggled at her reaction and did a twirl, making Morgana's eyes widen even more. "You look..stunning." Morgana breathed out as she put her hands on Amara's hips, who put her hands behind her neck.

"Thank you, chérie." Amara smiled softly, her blush deepening, "You look charming, yourself."

Morgana let out a silent laugh and kissed the tip of her nose, earning a slight giggle from the girl, "Thank you, my love. Are we ready to go?" She asked, making Amara nod.


Morgana and Amara walked down from the stairs to the great hall's doors. It looked like only Viktor was left waiting for his date. Fleur walked up to the couple with her own date, Roger Davies, who couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"You both look gorgeous!" exclaimed Fleur and immediately got into a conversation with Amara in French.

A few minutes later, much to the shock of the other students, Hermione granger walked down the stairs and walked to Viktor Krum.

The door of the great hall opened and the champions walked in with their dates.


As everybody else started joining with their own dates after the champion dance was finished, Morgana and Amara started talking while slow dancing.

Amara's head was on Morgana's chest, whose chin was on her head and hands around her waist.

"Thank you."

Amara lifted her head and looked at her, "For what?"

"Everything." answered Morgana, not looking at her, "I-.."

"You don't have to say it." Amara said with a soft smile, knowing what she was referring to.

Morgana looked back into her eyes, "I love you."

Amara couldn't stop the growing smile on her face. It was the first time Morgana had said that herself and not as a reply of her own 'I love you's.


That night, Morgana and Amara were on the Astronomy tower, watching as it started raining, still in their Yule Ball outfits.

Morgana had her arms wrapped around Amara's waist from behind. "I love rain." said Amara, breaking the silence.

Her girlfriend hummed and kissed her shoulder lightly, "You do?"

Amara nodded, "It soothes me."

Morgana smiled, keeping that information for the future.

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