/𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘠 𝘛 𝘞 𝘖- 𝘗 𝘓 𝘈 𝘕 𝘕 𝘐 𝘕 𝘎/

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Morgana smiled at the castle one last time and apparated back home. "Take it to my room." She ordered the house-elf as she gave him her trunk.

"Yes, mistress." The house-elf said and popped away.

Morgana walked into the library, her eyes tearing up as she saw Tom looking alive. That had kept on happening since the day of the maze: Anytime Morgana would see Tom, tears welled up in her eyes due to the happiness she felt about the fact that he was alright.

It just proved how attached she had gotten to him. Not that she minded, though.

"I've heard that you won the tournament. Is that true?" Salazar asked in parseltongue, catching her attention.


Much to the shock of his descendants, Salazar smiled proudly, "You have made me proud." He said and walked away.

"..That was quite a shock." mused Tom, making her smile.

Morgana sat next to him and frowned at the paperwork, "What's that?"

"The layout of Azkaban and the guards and all that information."

"Are you planning a breakout?"

"Yeah." Tom nodded, "Why?"

"Can I join with Regulus and Leo?"

Tom looked thoughtful, "I suppose so. Can the inner circle stay with us?"

"Who're they?"

"Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Barty crouch jr."

"Sure." Morgana said, "That means Regulus is staying with us as well."

Tom nodded and gave her a few papers, "Try to memorize the patterns, and the wizard guards with the cells they are guarding. The cells you guys will need to break are: 93 (The Lestranges), 102 (Antonin Dolohov), 67 (Augustus Rookwood)."

"What about you guys?" asked Morgana as she went over the paperwork.

"We'll be busy on the other side of Azkaban with a few other cells. The dementors are no problem, as they have already switched sides to us. The wizard guards, however..kill them if you must."


Morgana watched as Regulus and Leo dueled together. Even tho she had quite the amount of followers in Slytherin, she wasn't going to start real meetings with all her followers until she had the amount that she was satisfied with.

Regulus groaning caught her attention. Morgana rolled her eyes and huffed as she healed his face, "We're breaking your parents and uncle out of Azkaban, Regulus, try to be better or you'll be out."

Regulus gave her an apologetic look while Leo smirked, "Sorry, my lady." Regulus said.

"Continue." Morgana ordered as she walked back and watched the duel play out.

About 5 minutes in, Morgana sneered "Expulso, Leo."

Leo gulped and did what she advised. Turned out, it was exactly what he needed to win the duel. He grinned as he caught Regulus's wand.

Regulus, who was blasted onto the wall, shook his head in pain and panted. "If you keep losing, then I'll start thinking that you no longer wish to remain, Regulus." Morgana glared.

Regulus winced as he stood up, "Of course not, my lady."

"Then get to it again." She hissed at the two and watched as they started dueling once again.

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