/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙- 𝘑 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘕 𝘈 𝘓/

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The next few weeks passed by quickly. Right now, Morgana was searching for an object to turn into a horcrux, since her two horcruxes were now gone and broken, meaning she wasn't immortal anymore.

Her eyes stopped on a dusty box in the corner of the library. She started walking over to it and coughed at the amount of dust, "Scourgify." She mumbled, looking pleased as the dust was nowhere to be found anymore.

She grabbed the box and sat infront of a wide-eyed Salazar, "You found it."

Morgana frowned in confusion and looked at him, "Found what? What is it?"

"That box in your hands. Your parents left that for you just incase something happened to them."

Morgana felt her anger rising, "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME?!"

"You were supposed to find it yourself." Salazar simply replied and walked away from the portrait to the Slytherin common room's, leaving Morgana alone.

She took a few deep breaths and started opening it, her hands slightly shaking. She pulled everything out of the box and put them on the table, looking at the stuff one at a time.

An old book, a rusty locket, a letter that was slightly torn, and another old book but it was more cared for.

She reached over for the old book and opened it,

'This journal belongs to Merlin Gaunt.
-Return if found-

She sat up straighter and started reading through it,

I had just escaped from the hands of two kidnappers who had both lied to me my entire life, claiming to be my parents. I'm not sure where I'm going, but all I know is that my real family is all dead, and I'm the last living Gaunt, so I'm staying in America for the time being.
However, the reason I have bought this journal (more like stole it..) is because my biggest hope is to have a daughter and if something happens to me, I hope this journal is now in her hands so that she'll know my journey through everything and would never feel alone.
—Merlin Gaunt.'

Morgana wiped some of the tears that fell and moved on to the middle of the journal,

Today, I met a beautiful and stunning lady. Her name is Rosanna Fawley. She assisted me in moving into my new home, which I had just purchased in a magical neighborhood, and we are neighbors. We are going on a date soon and I'm actually looking forward to it.
—Merlin Gaunt.'

"So..that's mum's name?" whispered Morgana, only now knowing her name due to the fact that there was absolutely no information about her mother, even though she had searched many times.

Even the family tree wouldn't show her mother's side of the family or her name, it had only shown her father's side of the family and the fact that she was a pureblood.

She sighed sadly and flipped to a random page,

Rosanna and I finally got married yesterday. We're going to be leaving for our honeymoon tonight-'

Morgana immediately stopped reading and rushed through the last pages of the journal, wanting to stop reading it as soon as possible, because for some reason, her tears wouldn't stop.

She's here. She's actually here! My baby girl is finally born. After years of trying for a baby and failing, it actually happened!
—- for some reason, she wouldn't cry, which scared me I admit, but the doctors said that it wasn't very uncommon. I named her 'Morgana' while Rosanna named her middle name 'Belladona'.
Morgana Belladona Gaunt..Such a beautiful name.
If you're reading this, Morgana, I absolutely adore you and even though you're not a day old yet, I love you with all my heart and so does your mother. It's very clear by the way she's looking at you sleeping right now, despite the fact that she just gave birth and is extremely tired.
—Merlin Gaunt.'

Morgana watched as her tears dropped onto the book. She didn't even try to stop them anymore as she moved on to the last page.

For some reason, I'm having an extremely bad feeling that something is going to be happening soon, so I'm writing this in a hurry-
Morgana, if you're reading this..I love you, Ana.
I know you will make a wonderful witch. Your first sign of magic was last week, and I'm so proud. I believe in you and I know that you will do great things.
The box that I'm putting this journal into, is filled with important stuff that you should have.
—Merlin Gaunt.'

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