/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠- 𝘞 𝘖 𝘙 𝘓 𝘋 𝘊 𝘜 𝘗/

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It was now the next week. The daily prophet was chaotic, still talking about how two intruders broke into Gringotts. Nobody knew who the two actually were, though.

As of right now, Morgana walked into Tom's study, who was going over some paperwork. "I want to make another horcrux." She stated.

Tom looked up from his paperwork and frowned worriedly. "It's only been a year since your first one, Belladona."

She shrugged, "So?"

"Who do you want to kill?"

"I don't really know." Morgana admitted.

"How about you wait until after the raid of the quidditch world cup? I'll order Lucius to capture a muggle or mudblood and put them in the dungeons. You could kill one of them."

"That would be lovely." mused Morgana, walking over to a few bookshelves.


It was finally the day of the quidditch world cup. Tom apparated himself and Morgana to the Malfoys, where they all apparated to the world cup together.

When it was finally time, they all walked out of their own tents and unfortunately, heard a familiar voice.

"Blimey, dad. How far up we?"

"Put it this way," sneered Lucius as they all got nearer to the Weasleys who were accompanied by Harry, Sirius, Remus and Hermione as well, "If it rains..You'll be the first to know."

"My family and the Gaunts are in the ministry box-" Draco, who was slightly less afraid of Morgana and more in awe of her, joined in, but Morgana tuned him out.

She was snapped back into reality when Lucius said, "Do enjoy yourselves won't you?..while you still can.."

"I don't think he was supposed to say that." muttered Morgana to Tom, who nodded.

"No, he wasn't."


"Belladona, not that anything will happen to you, go into the forest." Tom instructed.

Morgana, who was talking with Leo and Regulus, nodded and stood up, the two boys following behind.

The chaos started immediately as soon as they walked into the forest. "Morgan?" Amara asked in shock from behind them, making them turn around.

Morgana immediately smiled at the sight of her girlfriend, who rushed up to her and hugged her, "I didn't think you would be here." Amara said, looking slightly confused.

Morgana chuckled, "I came because of..that." She pointed to the burning tents.

Amara slightly grimaced. Regulus and Leo, however, watched in complete and utter awe.

Their attentions were caught when Draco jumped off of a tree, "You should hide Granger." Draco told the golden trio.

"Why?" Harry asked in confusion.

Draco huffed, "Isn't it obvious, Potter? They're out looking for mudbloods. Where is your father, anyways, Weasley? Out looking for muggles?"

"Where is yours? Out wearing the masks?" Ron shot back angrily.

"That's none of your business-"

They all simultaneously looked at the place where a death eater pointed his wand at the sky, "Morsmorde!"

Morgana watched as the dark mark was casted into the sky. That meant one thing:

A few Mudbloods were killed.

Ron paled, while the others watched in awe, even Harry.

"Wow.." Leo breathed out, his eyes never leaving the dark mark.

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