/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙- 𝘗 𝘖 𝘛 𝘛 𝘌 𝘙/

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Morgana smiled slightly as she woke up to her girlfriend playing with her hair, "Morning, ma belle." Amara said, still playing with her hair.

"GoodMorning, my love." Her girlfriend replied, relaxing into her touch. "I found him."

"Found who?"

"My cousin."

Amara stopped and looked at her, "Voldemort?"

Morgana nodded, "Voldemort."

"And? How'd it go?"

"It went well. He's here. I'm supposed to be getting the philosopher's stone for him, so he could have a body again."

Amara smiled at her happy tone, "That's good. Any problems?"

"None. However, I've got no idea what the tasks are to get to the stone. It is in the third floor corridor, which has a cerberus as the first task.."

"How do you know that? You're not hurt, are you?" Amara asked worriedly, making Morgana's eyes soften.

"No, my love. I checked it out last night before coming to bed. The teachers are planning each of their own traps, which Marvolo will be telling me soon."

"He's possessing Quirrell, is he not?" Amara asked knowingly, "Don't look so shocked. The stutter was plainly obvious that it was fake. He didn't have that last year. Same thing with the mysterious turban he has on."

Morgana nodded. "Yes. He is." She said, hiding her face in the crook of Amara's neck, "What day is it, again?"

Amara laughed, "Saturday, ma belle." Her French accent giving Morgana slight goosebumps.

"Can we stay in bed today?"

"No. I've got an idea."


"When you said 'idea', whatever I was thinking of, was not this." Morgana admitted as they were now spying on Potter and his friends.

"Shh." Amara said, hushing her girlfriend immediately, "Now, let's just listen."

"Snape's after the stone!" Harry exclaimed, not realizing the two girls listening in, "We all saw the cut on his leg. He must've gotten it from Fluffy!"

"But, like Hagrid said, a Hogwarts teacher, Harry?" Hermione questioned, looking uncertain.

"We all saw that greasy git's cut, Hermione." Ron reasoned, Harry nodding alongside him, "Now, we just need to figure out how to not let it get into the wrong hands."


Morgana was walking around the castle alone. Her brows furrowed when a group of three approached her, "C-could we..um-..talk to you?" Hermione questioned, trying to be brave, but obviously failing.

Morgana put on a polite smile, knowing that it was going to ruin her plan if she was mean to them, "Of course. Go ahead."

"You're a Gaunt, right?" Ron glared, making her smile falter for a second.


"So that means you're related to-..to-..Salazar Slytherin." Hermione concluded, making Harry gawk at Morgana.

"That's right."

"So you're after the stone." Ron concluded, crossing his arms confidently. Morgana tilted her head slightly, "What stone?" She asked, looking confused.

Hermione and Harry shared a look, "You know absolutely nothing?" Harry questioned, making her frown further.

"Know what, Potter?"

"Nevermind." Harry said, giving the glaring Ron a look as they walked away.

"Goddamn first years." Morgana mumbled in parseltongue, making Harry turn around.

"First years?" Harry questioned. Morgana blinked a couple of times, the gears in her head that were working showing from her eyes, "You understood me?"

Harry nodded, looking confused, "You spoke English."

Morgana opened her mouth to tell him the truth, but closed it as an idea formed in her head. "Goodbye, Potter."


"Say what now?!" Leo asked, first to snap out of his shock.

"Potter's a parselmouth." Morgana concluded, pacing by the fireplace, "If I find the chamber of secrets and release the monster. I can put the blame on him and everything."

"You're looking for-..the chamber?" Regulus asked in shock, making her nod.

Amara frowned, "You're overworking yourself, ma belle."

"c'est important, chérie." Morgana replied, still pacing. Amara rolled her eyes as she stood up and grabbed her girlfriend's hands, stopping her pacing, "Sit down. You're going to get a headache."

Morgana sighed and nodded, making the shorter girl beam. "When are we going to round up followers for you?" Leo asked, laying down on the couch.


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