/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛- 𝘋 𝘜 𝘔 𝘉 𝘓 𝘌 𝘋 𝘖 𝘙 𝘌/

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It has been months and it was finally June 30th. Regulus, Bellatrix, Greyback, Dolohov, and Rabastan stepped out of the cabinet, where Draco was waiting for them looking extremely pale.

Regulus rolled his eyes at his cowardice, "Finally." He mumbled as they stepped out of the Room of Requirement and started walking to the astronomy tower.

"This is going to be fun.." mused Rabastan, pulling popcorn out of his pocket somehow.

Regulus gave him a look, "Really, Raba?"


"You didn't get any for me?!" Regulus scoffed, smirking when his uncle gave him some, "Thank you."

"You're not alone.." they all heard Dumbledore say, "There are others..how?"

"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement." Draco replied stiffly, "I've been mending it."


Dumbledore gave Draco a sad look, "Draco..years ago, I knew a boy and a girl who made all the wrong choices..please let me help you—"

"I don't want your help!" Draco cut him off, not realizing Harry underneath them, "Don't you understand?! I have to do this! I have to kill you!..Or she's going to kill him.."

Albus Dumbledore frowned, his eyes slightly widened as the deatheaters and one of Morgana's followers appeared.

Bellatrix smirked, "Well..Look what we have here..Dumbledore all alone and helpless." She walked over to her nephew, "Well done Draco.."

"Good evening, Bellatrix." Dumbledore said, looking calm, "I think introductions are in order, wouldn't you agree?"

"Love to, Albus. But I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule.." Bellatrix mocked and looked at her nephew, "Go on, Draco! Now!"

"He doesn't have the guts just like his brother." scoffed Regulus. He and Morgana had become closer than ever, being the perfect pair of bestfriends, since the day they went to Paris together, making him alot more loyal to her than before. He had also become her right-hand man fully, while Leo was now a normal follower who was about to get kicked off the inner-circle due to his many failures.

"Let me kill him my own way." cut in Greyback hungrily, earning a glare from Bellatrix.

"No!" Regulus exclaimed angrily. Bellatrix continued, "The dark lady has been clear that Draco has to do it!"

She had been finally accepting of Morgana's place as the dark lady, thanks to the mind healers, and even started to respect her, like she should've done from the start.

"This is your moment, Draco." Bellatrix said eagerly, "Do it! Go on, Draco! Now!"

"No." A voice said behind them, making them all turn around.

Leo Malfoy.

Regulus frowned and glared, knowing where this was going. "Leo—"

"Be quiet, Reg." Leo cut him off, his eyes never leaving Dumbledore, "I'll do it."

Draco watched, looking horrified, shocked, and most of all:.. Sad. Leo raised his wand and still didn't look away from the headmaster, who was looking at the Malfoy brothers in pity, "Avada Kedavra.."

They all watched as the green light hit Dumbledore in the chest and pushed him off of the tower. Harry frowned, not knowing if that was supposed to happen or not, while Regulus seemed to be thinking the same thing as they all rushed downstairs, Harry joining them.

"She's going to kill you. Wonderful." said Regulus sarcastically as he pushed Leo onto the wall while the deatheaters were dueling the order members that just arrived.

"I wasn't going to let my brother become a murderer—"

"When have you even cared for your brother, Leo?" Regulus cut him off as he pointed his wand at the sky, making Morgana's mark show up. It was also a sign of being an inner member, because only they knew that spell.

Leo looked at the ground, feeling resentment towards everything at that moment.

"Was it worth it, Leo?" asked Regulus angrily, pushing his cousin onto the wall again, "Now, I'm going to bloody lose you!"

Leo looked at him in shock, while Regulus continued, "You've been like a younger brother to me since we were 4! Now, I can't stop the fact that you'll get killed tonight!

I'll probably just have to sit back and watch! And you know what the saddest part is?

..The saddest part is that you deserve it." Regulus finished, leaving him and Draco so that they couldn't see his tears and joined in on the duel that was happening between the deatheaters and order members.

"You shouldn't have done that.." Draco said after a few minutes of silence.

"..You're only 16, dragon." Leo pointed out, "It was all my fault. If I had cared more for you from the beginning, I could've protected you from all this happening. You were only forced into this mess because of my failures.. Morgana really is great at getting revenges.." he mumbled the last part, shaking his head in sadness.

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