/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘚 𝘜 𝘔 𝘔 𝘌 𝘙/

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The next few days all passed by smoothly. Sirius Black was now free from azkaban and Peter Pettigrew was captured. Dumbledore was furious, and much to the dismay of the godfathers and Harry himself, he didn't let Harry live with them both in the manor they had bought, because of something to do with 'blood wards'.

Right now, Morgana apparated back home to Slytherin Manor and sighed in relief about the fact that she was free from the drama.

"Take it to my room." She ordered the house elf as she gave her the trunk.

"Yes mistress!" The house elf exclaimed and disappeared with a pop.

"You look tired." Tom pointed out as he hugged her. Morgana hummed, finding immense comfort in the hug, making Tom's heart melt as he realized it.


"So, what are we doing this Summer?" asked Morgana as she flipped through the book in her hands.

"Breaking into Gringotts."

Morgana's head snapped up to him, "What?!"

Tom's smirk didn't go away as he laid on the couch infront of hers, "I think it sounds quite fun."

She blinked a couple of times in shock. "Marvolo, I get that you have a huge love for dramatics, but breaking into a bank filled with goblins?"

"Trust me, it's easier than it looks and sounds." Tom tried assuring her.

"What do you need from there, anyways?"

He immediately grimaced. "One of my horcruxes is in my most faithful follower's vault."

"You-..you gave a horcrux..to someone? Did they even know what it was?"

"No. I just told them that it was important and if it was lost..they'd get killed."

Morgana gave him an 'are you dumb?' look, making Salazar almost laugh. "You're joking, right?"


"Who's the follower?"

"Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Well.." Morgana looked thoughtful, "Can't we just go to azkaban and get her to sign a paper so that we get into her vault, not needing to break in?"

"No. Because if she knows that I'm back, I'll have to break her and the others out of azkaban. I'm not ready for that yet."

"Breaking into Gringotts it is." She concluded, shaking her head.

"We also need to pay Potter's relatives a visit."

"..And I want to make another horcrux, so can we kill them?"

"Unfortunately, no. Dumbledore needs to think that he's still got Potter by his side, just until he dies."

"When are you going to kill him? I'm so sick of him."

"So am I." Tom sneered at the thought of the wizard, "In a few years, hopefully."

Morgana hummed, not looking up from her book. "What else?"

"I've got a raid planned for the first time in years." He mused, "Do you want us to go to the quidditch world cup?"

"I hate quidditch."

"But there'll be a raid in the end by some of my inner-circle, who are the only ones knowing that I'm finally back."

"Alright, I suppose."

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘴Where stories live. Discover now