/𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛 𝘠- 𝘙 𝘌 𝘓 𝘈 𝘛 𝘐 𝘝 𝘌 𝘚/

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About a week passed. Harry Potter woke up from his nap and walked downstairs, "So.." Vernon sneered, making Harry roll his eyes, "Where are your little freak buddies?"

"They can be here with one touch of my arm." Harry monotonously replied. And it was true. He was referring to pointing his wand at his mark and it would call Morgana immediately.

Vernon scoffed, "They're not here now. We are tired of being treated as slaves! You will go back to your chores and-"

"Vernon." Petunia tried, but was ignored.

"-and you will start making dinner for us right now. Or we both know what will be happening.." Vernon's eyes holding a malicious glint.

Harry simply raised an eyebrow, "No."

He didn't even try to dodge the slap that Vernon sent, making his head go sideways as the slap echoed around the house.

Harry slowly looked back at him and pulled off his sleeve, showing off his mark, "She's coming." He said, pulling out his wand as he put it on the mark that burned, meaning his call was sent.

"That's just a tattoo-" scoffed Vernon

"That might be called a tattoo for you muggles," said a voice, who was leaning on the doorway behind them, "But it is called a loyalty mark of the dark lady to us wizards."

Harry grinned as the dark lady glared at his relatives. Vernon stumbled back in shock, "Freak-!"

"Be quiet, filthy muggle." hissed Morgana in anger. She looked at Harry, her eyes widening with anger, "Did he touch you?"

Harry shrugged, but the mark on his cheek answered her as it turned darker every passing second.

"You dare-.." Morgana angrily walked up to Vernon, her voice dangerously calm.

Somehow, her eyes had turned red, making the muggles stumble back in shock.

"My lady, your eyes are red." Harry said, looking amused.

Morgana frowned in confusion, her eyes turning back to their normal green color. Her face showed recognition as she realized what was going on. Even though two of her horcruxes were gone, it still took a part of her soul, and making a third horcrux must've unlocked this ability.

"Well, Potter." Morgana started, "Dumbledore is dead-"

Petunia squeaked, but Morgana continued, "-and you're not safe in this house because of the order members knowing where you live. So, it's time for you to come to Slytherin Manor."

Harry's eyes widened, "Really?"

Morgana nodded, "Slytherin House-elf." She called, making the two other adults stumble back again as an elf appeared, "Go get Potter's stuff and put it in one of the guest rooms in Slytherin manor."

"Yes, mistress." The elf said and rushed upstairs.

"Slytherin House-Elf?" questioned Harry, "Don't you have to know their names?"

Morgana shrugged, "I never bothered to ask for their names. It's easier this way."

She then looked at his muggle relatives, her jaw clenching, "Do you wish to kill them, Potter?"

"I can?" Harry asked in joy, beaming when she nodded.

"You won't-!"

"Silencio." mumbled Morgana, wandlessly petrifying the two adults, "Go ahead."

Harry took extreme joy in torturing the two and then killing them, doing the same thing to Dudley as well. When he was done, they left the bodies and put the house on fire, then apparating to Slytherin Manor.

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