/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘛 𝘌 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘍 𝘈 𝘔 𝘐 𝘓 𝘠/

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After Morgana was done with her little talk with the younger Malfoy, she walked quickly to her dorm, not paying anybody a glance as she started to pull on her tie that was now somehow far too tight.

She slammed her dorm room's door shut and pulled off her tie harshly, gasping for air. She didn't even realize Tom changing back from his animagus form as she slid on the wall in the corner of the room.

"Bella?" Tom questioned worriedly as he rushed over to her and put his hands on her knees, which she had pulled to her chest, "Are you alright? What's wrong, Belladona?"

But it seemed as if Morgana didn't hear her as she tried gasping for air and shut her eyes tight..and much to the shock of her cousin, she started sobbing.

Tom looked at his younger cousin for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. He just went with his gut instinct and pulled her into a hug for the first time ever, but she didn't pull away, making him smile slightly. "Oh, Belladona.." he sighed and started rubbing comforting circles on her back.

It took a few hours, but she finally stopped crying. Tom chuckled when he realized that she somehow fell asleep on the floor in his arms. "What am I supposed to do with you, cousin?" He mused as he held her, frowning when she was lightweight, and laid her onto the bed.

He sighed and looked at her for a few seconds. Again, he went with his gut instinct as he kissed her head softly, playing with a streak of her hair, "I'll keep you safe, Belladona Gaunt..Because you're the only family member I've got."

The door opened and in came Amara. She blinked a couple of times as she looked at Tom, "You must be Tom Riddle. I'm Amara." She introduced.

Tom's lips twitched, "Tom Gaunt." He corrected and stood up, "May I ask how you're not surprised to see Voldemort?"

Amara smiled softly as she closed the door, "That would be easy, for I have already known for quite a while that Morgan's snake was an animagus."

Tom didn't look away from her, making her sigh slightly as she knew what was on his mind, "I suppose you have something to say?"

Tom's eyes narrowed dangerously. "If you break her heart-"

"I won't." Amara cut him off, "I love her. We've been together for almost two years."

"You're too nice." Tom pointed out, sneering slightly at the thought of being nice, but Amara didn't mind one bit.

She actually gave him a smile as she walked into her girlfriend's walk-in wardrobe and picked out a hoodie, "Whereas other pureblood families teach their kids etiquette, manners, and the importance of blood purity and money..I have been taught etiquette, manners, and the importance of kindness. Call it what you want, but kindness is the key to gain whatever you want in the end."

Tom frowned as the girl walked out from the closet wearing his cousin's hoodie, "Yeah? What have you gained from it?"

"Something you never could."

he rolled his eyes at her arrogance, but she just smiled in return, "What was it?"

"Dumbledore's trust."

He looked at her, mouth agape for a few seconds and then put on his emotionless mask on, "Really?"

"Really. Now whenever I'm with my girlfriend, which is all the time, he never suspects her to do something bad. How do you think Dumbledore hasn't asked Morgan about the chamber? It wasn't just because of her clone."

Tom huffed. He looked at his cousin and smiled slightly when he noticed that she was still asleep. The Summer they had spent together brought them much closer than they had planned. He now felt like an older brother to her. His older brother instincts were always on around her, and he wasn't even ashamed of it.

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