/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛- 𝘉 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘏 𝘋 𝘈 𝘠/

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Two days passed and it was now December 27th. Morgana blinked in shock as she saw a present on her bed. She walked over to it and couldn't stop the smile growing on her face,

'You think I forgot?
Happy Birthday, Belladona.

It was her very first birthday present, so she just spent some seconds admiring it. After a few minutes, she snapped out of her state and started unwrapping it.

She couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face as she saw what was inside.

It was a silver ring with a green emerald in the middle. It looked like it had powerful magic in it, but she just shrugged and put it on.


Morgana was reading a dark arts book in the library, which was charmed to look like a normal DADA book, when Tom finally found her.

He rolled his eyes fondly as he sat infront of her, "I've been looking for you the whole day."

She looked up from the book and frowned in confusion, "Why?"

He gave her a look, "It's your birthday. Get up, I'm taking you to Hogsmeade for the day."

"But-..it's just a birthday-"

"And I wasn't there for all of your birthdays, because of a selfish act I made that night in Godric's hollow." Tom admitted, "If I hadn't been so selfish, I could've found out that I had a cousin sooner."

"Marvolo, none of that was your fault-"

"Yes, it was." He cut her off and sighed, not looking up from the table, "Let me atleast try to make it up to you."

"I've never blamed you-"

"Please, Belladona."

She sighed, knowing she couldn't change his mind. "Fine, let's go to hogsmeade." She said, making him smile in victory.


"Honestly, Belladona, how'd you forget to bring a scarf?" mused Tom as he pulled off his own scarf and put it around her neck.

Morgana gave him a glare, tightening the scarf around her neck, "You literally told me that we'd be going to hogsmeade about 15 minutes ago, not giving me a chance to change."

He almost smiled, but held it in as they walked into the three broomsticks, ordered butterbeers, and sat down.

"So, how's working for Dumbledore?"

Tom smirked, "He somehow believes that Voldemort's back."

Morgana feigned surprise, "Voldemort's back?"

"Yeah, maybe we should warn Potter and tell him about Voldemort being back." Tom joined in on the sarcasm and fake surprise.

She hummed, "That's a good idea. After all, Voldemort is after him.."

He let out a slight chuckle, making her smile slightly, and took a sip of his butterbeer, almost choking on it as Fudge just walked in. "What's the minister doing here?"

Morgana turned around and sneered at the foolish minister, whom she hated, "..and Rita Skeeter.."

She was right as Rita Skeeter walked in right behind Fudge, looking particularly excited. The cousins shared a look, "..and here comes Dumbledore." They said simultaneously, rolling their eyes.


"Cornelius, I beg of you to see reason here!" exclaimed an exasperated Dumbledore, not bothering to keep his voice down anymore.

"He is NOT back!" Fudge said, while Rita was grinning from ear to ear, looking like she had won the lottery.

Tom and Morgana both started sniggering quietly from the table in the corner, not looking away from the two men. "I thought Dumbledore was smarter than this. Only person I ever feared my arse." said Tom with a huge smirk.

"Yes, he is! Lord Voldemort is very much alive!" Dumbledore replied.

"And where's your proof, Dumbledore?!" Fudge scoffed, rolling his eyes when Dumbledore stayed quiet, "That's what I thought. Come on, Rita, tomorrow's daily prophet shall be a blast."


The cousins were now walking back to the castle after shopping and hanging out.

"Thank you." Morgana said as they reached the Slytherin common room.

Tom looked slightly confused, "It was your birthday, of course we were going to celebrate it."

She smiled, "It was the first time I've ever celebrated my birthday."

Tom stopped and looked at her in shock, but she was too busy saying the password to the common room to notice.

As the portrait opened she looked at him one last time, "Thank you again, Marvolo. Goodnight." She said and left as the portrait closed.

Tom sighed sadly and started walking around the castle. He knew how she felt. He never had celebrated his birthday, either..But Morgana? That was something he had just found out.

She didn't deserve that..

The pain of spending your birthday alone with no real friends and family does hurt, and they both knew the feeling from experience. It's a different kind of hurt. It hurt until they forgot about their own birthday and would count it as any other normal day.

Maybe the cousins were alike much more than they had thought. From their laugh to their smile, from their looks to their personalities, from their likes to their dislikes..and from their childhood and their pain..They were somehow the exact same.

It was extremely clear that the two were related and not just because of their last names and looks.

If only people knew Tom Gaunt was actually Tom Riddle/Voldemort..Then they'd find out how alike they are in being dangerous and powerful, as well..

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