/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙- 𝘚 𝘌 𝘊 𝘖 𝘕 𝘋/

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That night, Morgana's eyes widened in shock as Snape came rushing into the party. His eyes found Morgana's, she immediately saw the desperation in them as she walked over to him, "What's going on, Professor?"

"First of all, a-..are they all..drunk?" Snape asked in shock, looking at the said drunk pureblood heirs and heiress' that were all over the common room.

"As shocking as it sounds, yes. Yes they are."

He shook his head in disapproval and then looked back at the girl, "Black has broken into Gryffindor tower."

"..what?" Morgana asked, eyes widened. So, he wasn't after her?

Snape nodded, "Yes. Anyways, this party should be-" he waved his wand, making the music stop, "-over." glaring at every student, who all groaned and started to stumble back to their dorms.


As soon as the common room was finally empty except for Morgana, who was ordering everybody to go back to their dorms, her mirror heated up.

She pulled out the mirror, un-shrunk it and answered it. "I have come to the conclusion that the more I spend time with you, the more dumb I get." Tom said as soon as Morgana answered.

"Or you've became smarter and realized how dumb you actually are." huffed Morgana.

Tom ignored her and continued, "Since Black has broke into Gryffindor tower, more specifically: Potter's dorm..Then there must be something or..someone..in there that he wants. However, what would an innocent man who was framed for 12 years want?"

They both shared a knowing look, "Revenge." They said simultaneously.

"Exactly." Tom continued, "He probably wants revenge on Pettigrew. That means: Pettigrew isn't dead..but how could he be in the Gryffindor common room?"

"You really are dumb, Marvolo." said Morgana as she stared at him in disbelief, making his brows furrow in confusion, "How did YOU sneak around the school last year?"

"By being an animagus." shrugged Tom, his face then showing recognition, "..of course."

"There you go." Morgana rolled her eyes. "Circe, Marvolo. For being Lord Voldemort, you really are dumb."

"I've spent 10 years being nothing more than a ghost who had to possess different animals every 30 minutes to live. Cut me some slack, Belladona."

Morgana hummed and started to rub her eyes. Tom frowned, "Was there a party?" He asked, noticing the bottles of alcohol in the background.


"You didn't drink any alcohol, did you?" he glared at her, but she just smirked in reply, "Bella..you're just 16."

Morgana snorted. "17, Marvolo." She corrected. Tom immediately sat up and frowned, "When was your birthday?"

"Nobody knows my birthday." She admitted, still rubbing her eyes due to being extremely tired.

"Well?" He questioned, already mad at himself for forgetting about it.

"December 27th."

Tom hummed and looked thoughtful. "Anyways, I'm going to go head to bed. Night, Marvolo."

He smiled softly, "Goodnight, Belladona."

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