/𝘍 𝘐 𝘝 𝘌- 𝘗 𝘈 𝘙 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘚/

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"Morgan?" Amara questioned as she was packing her things into her trunk, since it was almost Yule break.

Morgana hummed, but didn't look up from her book. "My parents want to meet you." Amara said, making her breathe get caught in her throat. They've been dating for a year and it's not that she didn't want to meet them, it was just..spending Yule with a full family?


Amara sighed, "You're not staying here all alone." She stated strongly, not looking up from her trunk, "And they want to meet you. So, what do you say?"

Morgana opened and closed her mouth a few times, "Um, I guess?"

Amara beamed, making her smile softly, "I'll be back, love." Morgana said and walked out of the dorm.


"You have a girlfriend?.." Tom asked in shock.

Morgana gave him a look, "Why do you sound so surprised?"

Tom shrugged, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because that you and I are almost the same person, due to how alike we are, but you have a bloody girlfriend and yet I don't."

"..have you ever thought that it might be because of your personality?" Morgana teased, making him roll his eyes.

"Atleast I won't be the one having to produce an heir to the Gaunt name. That's going to be your job."

"Hold on!" Morgana exclaimed, making him laugh at her misery, "You're the..man or whatever! It's supposed to be you!"

"No, it's not." Tom argued, "Don't look at me like that. You've got no excuses. There's a potion for same-sex couples that can help produce a baby."
Morgana glared at him as he started to laugh again.


While Morgana talked with her girlfriend's mother and charmed her easily, her girlfriend's father was a whole other situation.

It's not like he hated her or anything, he just looked calculated. How would a girl who looked as cold as Morgana, love someone as warm as Amara?

All he needed to do was look a little closer and get his answer, which he did. Their personalities were complete opposites, but were extremely perfect for each other. As much as Morgana smiled around Amara's parents, it was just a polite smile. However, with Amara, it was completely genuine, and the parents immediately noticed this..

Even though Morgana looked cold, her eyes and smile were warm to the parents, something they noticed and made them feel at ease. As much as Morgana wanted their approval, they felt like they had to make her feel comfortable and be approving, not because that this was their daughter's girlfriend, but because they just had a natural instinct to not get on her bad side..


"Morgan?" Amara questioned in bed as her girlfriend was running her hands through her silky hair.

Morgana hummed, her arms slightly tightening around the girl in her arms. "je t'aime" Amara mumbled, making Morgana stop for a second.

She couldn't stop the smile growing on her face, "I love you too, darling."


And as Amara's mother, Celine, walked into the room, she stopped at the sight of her daughter asleep in the other girl's arms. She took a moment to take it all in and just watched as her daughter's girlfriend pulled her daughter closer, even in her sleep.

She smiled at the sight of her daughter happy. She turned around when she heard footsteps. Her husband, Fabien, frowned slightly, making her sigh. "donne-lui une chance." She scolded, making him smile nervously.

"She's too-"

"Cold?" His wife cut him off knowingly, "Have you ever thought that it might be because she's been through stuff? The girl is making our daughter happy. What's wrong with that?"

Fabien sighed, "I suppose so."

"Good." Celine said and gave him a peck on the lips, "Now let's leave them be."


Morgana was washing the dishes with her girlfriend's mother while Amara was watching in happiness and satisfaction. The few weeks that her girlfriend has spent with her family were nothing but memorable, making Amara fall in love with the girl all over again.

Even though the Auclairs were a neutral family, slightly leaning on the light side a bit more, Amara supported her girlfriend fully.

She supported her dreams, her beliefs, and even her being a dark lady, because why wouldn't she?

After all, it was clear to them both that they only had each other in the end, no matter how many friends they had, and no matter how many people they'd encounter. Amara was the only person who held a soft place in Morgana's heart, and Morgana never failed to show it.

Morgana never failed to prove it. Morgana never failed to reassure her. Because that's just the way she was. No matter how cold she was to other people and how fake she was to the teachers, (Mostly because she could gain their trust so that when she was caught doing something bad, she'd just frame and blame someone else. Something she never failed to do.), and no matter how hateful she was to almost everyone..She never was that way with Amara.

Her polite and fake smiles turned genuine with Amara. Her polite and fake talks turned genuine with Amara. Her polite and fake laughs turned genuine with Amara.

And she never failed to show it. She didn't care what others thought. They were perfect for each other, and everybody who would see them together, would always agree.

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