/𝘕 𝘐 𝘕 𝘌 𝘛 𝘌 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘗 𝘖 𝘓 𝘠 𝘑 𝘜 𝘐 𝘊 𝘌/

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It was now Yule and most students went home. Only a few students were left in Slytherin: Morgana, Leo, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

Regulus had left for a vacation in one of the Lestrange properties, while Amara went back to France to her parents. Even though Morgana was invited to Amara's manor for the Yule, she politely declined.

Right now, Morgana was in her room with Tom. "Horcruxium." Tom explained the enchantment and wand movement of creating a horcrux, something Morgana was going to be doing soon.

They were interrupted when the door suddenly opened. Leo came in and looked at the dark lord for a few seconds in confusion, not knowing who the 21-year old looking man was, "Don't you know how to knock, Leo?" snapped Morgana boredly.

Leo was snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the girl, not knowing how she'd react to the news. "My lady, they've polyjuiced themselves and are now in the common room."

Morgana immediately stood up, Tom behind her, still not in his animagus form. "Well, well, well." tutted Morgana as she walked into the common room where Crabbe and Goyle started changing back into Ron and Harry.

"You didn't say anything, did you, Malfoy?" Morgana questioned after putting a spell on the two, making them unconscious.

Draco's eyes widened as he shared a panicked look with his older brother, who was glaring at him. Morgana's jaw clenched, "You're adding way too much work on my plate, Malfoy." she glared at the young Malfoy, who gulped.

"Leo, look for the real Crabbe and Goyle with your pathetic brother while I deal with this."

"Yes, my lady." Leo immediately said and pulled his brother harshly out of the common room. Morgana levitated the two boys into her room, her cousin not too far behind.

"You can kill Potter." She pointed out as she closed the door.

Tom smirked, realizing she was right, but then had an idea. "Or..I can convince him to my side."

"And how would you do that, Marvolo?" Morgana rolled her eyes, maliciously looking at the young Weasley.

Tom couldn't answer as the two second years were now groaning and waking up.

"Where are we?" questioned Harry, "Where's my wand?"

"You won't be needing it." said Tom smoothly, catching their attention. "Who're you?" Ron sneered, getting a cutting curse from Morgana.

"Don't you dare talk to my cousin in that disrespectful tone, Weasel." Morgana's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Tom's mouth curved into a smile. "I'm Tom Gaunt. However, I used to go by Tom Riddle."

Ron's eyes showed slight recognition, "I know you! You had a trophy in the trophy room for special school services 50 years ago!"

Tom shared a look with Morgana, both of them snorting simultaneously, looking like the cousins they were. "That's not all." Tom said and used Harry's wand:

'Tom Marvolo Riddle'

he swiped the wand over the name once in the air and it changed to:

'I am Lord Voldemort.'

Harry and Ron shared a panicked look, while Morgana burst out laughing. "Such a huge ego, Marvolo. Not that I expected any less."

Tom rolled his eyes fondly while Morgana stood up, making the two boys flinch. "Now, what do you know?"

"We know that you opened the chamber of secrets!" blurted out Ron, earning a look from Harry. Morgana nodded as she pointed her wand at him and started sorting through his memories, adding fake ones.

While Morgana was doing that, Tom hungrily looked at Harry. "You've got two choices, Potter."

Harry paled, but nodded, slightly glaring at him. Tom ignored the glare and continued, twirling Harry's wand in his hand, "You either die, which means your parents died for nothing..Or you live, honoring their deaths, and join me."

Harry's breathe got caught in his throat. "What?"

"I said what I said, Potter. You have a few minutes to think it over while Belladona finishes with Weasley's memories."

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