/𝘚 𝘐 𝘟 𝘛 𝘠 𝘛 𝘞 𝘖- 𝘗 𝘙 𝘖 𝘗 𝘖 𝘚 𝘈 𝘓/

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The next few days all passed by quickly. Morgana smiled as her girlfriend, who was in her arms, woke up, "Morning, love."

"Goodmorning, chérie." Amara murmured, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, making her girlfriend smile softly.

Morgana kissed her head and played with her hair, "I'm taking us to a restaurant tonight, so be ready at 8, alright?"

Amara frowned, "Where are you going?"

"I have some business to do that might take a while, my love. I'll be back around 7, I promise."


Later on that night, they started to get ready. Morgana's eyes were immediately stuck on Amara, who walked out of the bathroom and was wearing a light blue dress. Amara smiled, feeling a faint blush across her cheeks, "Are you going to stand there and gawk?"

"Yes." Morgana said, still not looking away from her.

"Well you look stupid, so stop." joked Amara, earning a chuckle from her girlfriend. She walked over to Morgana and started tying her tie, while Morgana was watching her fondly.

She was already a nervous mess on the inside, but would never admit it.

"Ready." Amara stated, holding out a hand.

Morgana held it and apparated them to an alley and walked her to a fancy restaurant, making Amara look at her in suspicion, but she ignored it.


"What's actually going on?" questioned Amara once they were done ordering.

Morgana shrugged, "Can't I take you out on a date?"

"Well, of course, but you've never been like..this." She pointed to the fancy decorations in the restaurant, ignoring the waiter who was pouring champagne for the two of them.

Morgana merely hummed and took a sip, not answering, making Amara glare at her with no real intensity behind. "Did you do something wrong?" Amara joked, making Morgana's lips twitch upwards.

She smiled softly, but didn't answer as their foods came.


An hour later, Morgana and Amara were walking around Paris, even though it was raining. Amara frowned in confusion as she looked around, "Why is it so empty?"

Morgana didn't answer as she had already planned this and just grabbed her hand, "Dance with me."

"There's no music-.." but Amara stopped as music played out of nowhere.

"Yes, there is."

She rolled her eyes fondly and started slow dancing with her girlfriend, only then realizing that they were infront of the Eiffel Tower that was glowing in the moonlight.

"Remember when you told me that you loved the rain?" Morgana questioned, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, that was last year." Amara said, slightly shocked by how she remembered.

Morgana nodded, her eyes stuck on the girl dancing with her the whole time, "Yes..You know, you were the first person who ever made me feel loved and needed. You didn't care about my last name or the fact that I was extremely mean to you the first time we met. You were a stubborn girl back in first year. I hated you, but you simply wouldn't give up. I suppose it was quite obvious for you that I needed saving and..well..you helped. Even though I kept pushing you away..you simply didn't care and helped. Somehow, even after I was mean to you, you accepted my offer to go on a date with me and..I never thought I'd fall in love with you and stay with you 7 years later, but here I am."

Amara, who now had tears streaming down her cheeks, asked, "Where's this coming from?"

Morgana stopped dancing and stepped back, making Amara look at her in confusion. She sucked in a sharp breathe as Morgana kneeled and pulled out a box, "Amara Celine Auclair, will you marry me?"

Amara stared at the beautiful ring in shock and looked back at her girlfriend, "Of course.." she breathed out.

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