/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘖 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘓 𝘖 𝘊 𝘒 𝘌 𝘛/

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Tom frowned as he apparated himself and Morgana to the rock by the cave, where his Slytherin locket horcrux was at. Something just didn't feel right. They were going to be collecting every horcrux of Tom's, to put them in better hiding places so that it would be safer. This was the second journey, since the first was to Malfoy manor for the journal.

"This is..creepy." smirked Morgana as she watched the waves underneath the rock.

Tom frowned even deeper, seeing the orphanage slightly nearby. He wanted to get both of them out of there as soon as possible.


"What's the plan?" Morgana asked as they now stood outside of the cave.

Tom pulled out a knife, making Morgana frown. He poked two of his fingers and smeared the blood by a rock, gaining access to the inside of the cave.

"You should've told me to do that." hissed Morgana as she healed Tom wandlessly.

Tom smiled softly as they walked in, "You're more important than I." He said and called for a boat.

As they say down into the boat, Morgana tensed seeing the things in the water. "Are those what I think they are?"

Tom grimaced, "Yes. Inferi."

"That's just highly disrespectful to the dead." muttered Morgana, getting pulled closer to Tom as a few hands appeared.

Tom didn't let her ago until they reached the place. He stood up and pulled Morgana out of the boat. "This is it." He mumbled and walked to the middle, hovering his hand over the potion.

"What is that?"

"It's a potion which shows somebody's worst memories. When drank, it would make the drinker extremely thirsty, making them reach the edge of the lake for water. However, they would immediately get pulled into the water by the inferi and get turned into them." He explained, relief building up in him as he managed to vanish the potion.

Morgana snatched the locket and desperately looked at Tom, "Let's get out of here. I don't feel so good." She said, making Tom nod understandingly.


Morgana handed the locket to Tom as they sat by the fireplace in the library.

Tom frowned as he noticed a few details missing, "Shite." He cursed as the locket opened and a paper fell out.

Morgana frowned and sat next to him, reading the paper:

'To the dark lord:
I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.

"Regulus Black, that little traitor." Tom fumed when Morgana finished reading it aloud.

Morgana frowned in thought as Tom started pacing. "Nobody really knows what destroys a horcrux, do they?"

"I've got no idea."

"Then let's pay the Black manor a visit."

"That's the problem." said Tom as he stopped pacing, "There is no Black manor."

"What? How can that be?"

Tom shrugged. "Hold on-" Morgana stood up as she suddenly got an idea, "Narcissa must know where the Blacks lived."

Tom slowly turned towards her, "You're a bloody genius, Belladona."


"What brings you here, my lord?" Asked Lucius as he bowed. Tom and Morgana rolled their eyes simultaneously, "We need to have a talk with Narcissa, Lucius."

Lucius blanched. "N-Narcissa?..Very well." He said and walked out of the living room of Malfoy manor, leaving the two alone.

"It's quite funny how he thinks that you'll torture him any second." mused Morgana as she inspected her nails in boredom.

Tom grinned, "Indeed."

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