/𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘠 𝘖 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘞 𝘐 𝘕 𝘕 𝘌 𝘙/

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"I hope she's okay." mumbled Amara as she worriedly didn't look away from the maze.

"I'm sure she's fine, Amara." Regulus tried but seemed slightly unsure himself.


"What's taking so long?" Hermione whispered to Harry.

Harry shrugged, frowning slightly, "I dunno, but I hope they're alright."

He's living with the Dursleys had been much better and easier than it had been for more than a decade and he had Morgana and Tom (mostly Morgana, though) to thank, so he had started to care for the two.

Hermione supported him fully, and also slightly cared for Morgana because she joined her and would start spying for her when Morgana would graduate, thanks to Morgana warning her about the love potions.


"What's going on in the maze, Barty?" asked a worried-looking Tom as Mad-Eye sat down next to him.

'Mad-Eye Moody', who was using his magical eye, which would see through the hedges and basically everything, smirked, "She just went past a sphinx. She's near."

"Is she hurt? Is she alright?"

"She's alright, my lord. Nothing's wrong."


Morgana rushed through as the sphinx cleared the path. She stopped as she heard a scream and continued when the red sparks went up, meaning whoever screamed would be okay, not that she actually cared.

She frantically looked around as there were 3 paths.
Middle, Right, Left.
She just went with her gut and chose the Right path.

About 5 minutes later, another boggart appeared. She had to look away as Tom's bloody dead body and a disappointed Amara appeared once again, "Riddikulus." She said weakly, her voice cracking.

She dropped onto the ground in relief this time, taking a few deep breathes to calm herself down.


Tom and the others in the pitch watched as Fleur Delacour was ushered out of the maze and into the stadium. She looked pretty shaken up.

"How is she now?"

'Moody' frowned slightly, "That's..bad."

"What? What is?-..Is she alright?!" Tom asked frantically, he felt like he couldn't breathe at that moment.

"Yes, yes. However, her boggart is..interesting."

Tom frowned, "What?-"

"Ooh." Moody's eyebrows rose, "Her boggart is your dead body..and now she's on the ground."

"What do you mean? Stop talking like this, Bartemius." Tom hissed dangerously.

Moody slightly gulped and gave him an apologetic look, "She's back up again.."


Morgana stood up after a few minutes and then started walking through the maze once again.

The hedges started closing in on her again, making her temper rise. "REDUCTO!"

She rolled her eyes as the hedges turned into ash, but stopped when she saw a blue light.

Morgana sucked in a sharp breath as she saw the cup in the middle, sitting there with all its glory. She immediately rushed over to it and felt like she was getting sucked through a tunnel as she held it.

She gracefully landed on her feet to applause from the whole stadium.


As everyone was now back at the castle, Morgana, who still had the cup in her hands, wanted nothing more than to go to her girlfriend or Tom.

Rita Skeeter suddenly appeared, making her roll her eyes, "Can I have a word with the Tri-Wizard winner?" Rita asked excitedly.

"Yeah you can have a word: Goodbye." snapped Morgana and left her in shock.

Her eyes immediately found Tom's, who had a proud smile on his face, but his eyes held worry at the few scratches across her body and forehead.

She immediately rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, earning a slight chuckle from the man. "I'm so proud of you, Belladona. I knew you could do it."

"Thank you." Morgana choked out, almost crying due to the relief she felt about the fact that he was alive.

As they pulled away, Morgana walked to Amara, who hugged her extremely tight, "I cannot breathe, love-.." Morgana tried, but Amara just hugged her tighter.

"I knew you could do it!" Amara exclaimed proudly after kissing her.

"The Hogwarts champion." Regulus dramatically fake-fainted into Leo's arms.

Leo pushed him with all his might, but accidentally fell onto the ground with him, making the girls burst out laughing.

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