/𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛 𝘠 𝘛 𝘏 𝘙 𝘌 𝘌- 𝘕 𝘠 𝘔 𝘗 𝘏 𝘈 𝘋 𝘖 𝘙 𝘈/

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"What?" Morgana asked, her voice dangerously calm.

Hermione, who was standing infront of her, repeated what she had just said, "Ronald is hiding under the Fidelius Charm, my lady."

Morgana fell silent for a few minutes, looking like she was in thought. Hermione sighed and looked around the meeting room which was empty, only they were the ones there.

"..Am I right in assuming that you do not know who the secret keeper is?"

Hermione beamed at that question, "Actually, I do. It's Nymphadora Tonks, my lady."

"Very well. You're dismissed."


Leo winced in pain as his mark started to burn. He was having tea with his mother and brother, but it seemed like he had to go.

Narcissa frowned in concern as her older son clutched his arm in pain, "Are you alright, darling?"

"I'm fine, mother." Leo said and stood up, putting on a jacket, "The dark lady is calling. I'll be back soon."


Morgana leaned back on her chair as Leo apparated infront of her and bowed, "You called, my lady?"

The door opened and in came Regulus, clutching his arm and frowning in pain, "Merlin, Morgana. Calm down. It's hurting, bloody hell."

Morgana's lips twitched upwards for a second, but it was gone as soon as it came. "I have a mission for you two."

They both stood up straighter, determination evident in their eyes.

"Find me Nymphadora Tonks. Bring her back alive." Morgana ordered.

"Yes, my lady." The two chorused and apparated away.


Morgana smiled as she walked in on her wife singing a lullaby to their daughter.

Amara, who didn't realize her wife yet, frowned as her daughter kept crying, "qu'est ce que j'ai fait de mal?" She asked no one in particular, shaking her head.

Morgana walked to them, giving her wife a smug smirk when their daughter immediately stopped crying and started smiling.

Amara huffed and rolled her eyes, "I've carried her in my womb for nine months, but she looks exactly like you and you're her favorite. That's just not fair."

Morgana chuckled, rocking her daughter in her arms, "..Am I doing parenting right?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

Amara merely smiled softly, not looking at her wife in pity at all, knowing how much she hated pity. She knew why her wife had asked this..it was because she didn't even know how parenting is supposed to be like, since she hadn't grown up with parents.

"You're her favorite." answered Amara, "Isn't that enough to give you the answer?"

Morgana couldn't stop the smile growing on her face, she didn't look away from her daughter as Amara walked to the bathroom for a shower.

"I can't believe it." Morgana mused, sitting down on the bed with her daughter still in her arms, "I actually have a family.."

Her smile only widened when her daughter grabbed her finger with her hand, "You're absolutely adorable. I love you so much, Rose." She finished, only then realizing how easy it was to say those three words to her daughter. It had never been that easy when she had told Tom and Amara that, but it came naturally with her daughter.

"Wow, you're making me turn into a softie." Morgana mumbled fondly, her smile never vanishing.

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