/𝘛 𝘞 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘐 𝘟- 𝘉 𝘖 𝘎 𝘎 𝘈 𝘙 𝘛/

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The next day, Morgana woke up with her girlfriend in her arms. It was still early, so she stepped out of bed without waking Amara up.

After she was done with taking a shower, she changed into her school uniform. Morgana never wore the skirt that she was supposed to, she always wore Black jeans, not that anyone dared to tell her off because of it.

When she was done with changing, she walked out of the bathroom and charmed her hair into a French braid.


They all walked into the DADA classroom, where there was a shaking wardrobe in the middle of the room. "Intriguing, isn't it?" asked Professor Lupin, "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"

"That's a boggart, that is." replied Amara. Lupin nodded, "Do you know what a boggart looks like, Miss Auclair?"

"No one knows," she continued, "Boggarts are shapeshifters. They take form of what someone fears most. That's what makes them so-"

"-so terrifying, yes." Lupin interrupted kindly and looked at the class, "Luckily, there's a very simple charm, used to repel a boggart. Repeat after me 'Riddikulus'."

"Riddikulus." The class repeated.

"Again, Riddikulus!"

Leo scoffed while the Gryffindors repeated it, "This class is ridiculous." He said, making Regulus chuckle.

"Now, tell me your names as you decide to face your fear." Professor Lupin continued.

A few Gryffindors stepped up, trying to prove that they were 'brave'.


The class was empty, except for 4 students, a snake, and a teacher who were left in there. Those whom faced their fear, all went out of the door.

"Name?" Lupin asked with a kind smile, paling immediately when Regulus answered.

"Regulus Lestrange." he calmly replied, ignoring his pale face as he stood up.

His boggart took a few seconds, but then it turned into..Morgana?

"You have disappointed me, Regulus." Boggart Morgana started, making Regulus pale each passing second. "Riddikulus." Regulus immediately casted, sighing in relief as he walked out of the door, slightly afraid to make eye contact with Morgana.


Turned out, Leo had the same fear as Regulus. Amara's biggest fear, however, was Morgana failing to achieve her dream, then it changed into her leaving Amara in the end, then it finally changed into Morgana's dead body.

As Amara left the classroom, Morgana reluctantly stepped up. Remus cleared his throat, "Name?"

"Morgana Gaunt."

Remus Lupin paled even more, but motioned for her to step up. She sighed and watched as her boggart took a full minute, much to the shock of Remus and Thomas.

She tensed as Tom appeared right infront of her. "You think I actually counted you as a family?" sneered Tom, making Morgana flinch, "I used you, Morgana."

Morgana felt her heart breaking at the sound of her first name on his tongue. Boggart Tom, however, continued, "I didn't even care about you, nor did I love you. You are worthless. You will never achieve your dreams, either-"

Morgana closed her eyes in pain. Her brows furrowed in confusion when everything went quiet. She slowly opened her eyes..

Oh how she wished that she had never opened them.

Infront of her, stood Tom's dead body. Remus watched as the girl paled and started backing away, he immediately stood infront of her and watched as the boggart turned into his fear: the full moon. "Riddikulus."

Morgana snapped out of her shock as Remus worriedly looked at her, "Are you alright, miss Gaunt?"

Morgana nodded as she pulled her bag out of a chair and rushed out of the classroom. Amara frowned as her girlfriend didn't even realize there, "Are you alright, ma belle?"

"Yes." mumbled Morgana as she rushed away from her, leaving Amara.

"What just happened?" asked Regulus, looking confused.

"I don't know."

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