/𝘛 𝘏 𝘌 𝘉 𝘈 𝘛 𝘛 𝘓 𝘌 𝘖 𝘍 𝘏 𝘖 𝘎 𝘞 𝘈 𝘙 𝘛 𝘚/

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Months have passed and it was now..the day.
May 2nd, 1998.

Morgana sighed as she looked at her wife and daughter. Amara was frowning, while 9-month old Ambrose had no idea what was happening but was also frowning.

"Mama?" Ambrose pouted as Morgana was about to leave.

Morgana stopped, slowly turning around, "I'll be back soon." She said weakly, her eyes slightly tearing up.

"Let me come with you—"

"No." Morgana cut her wife off, "Stay with our daughter."

Amara's lips trembled, "I-.. I can't lose you—"

"She can't lose both of us if something ends up happening." Morgana pointed out, both of them simultaneously looking at the 9-month old that was crawling to Morgana.

Ambrose pouted, making grabby hands when she was finally near Morgana, who was looking at her with so much love.

Morgana took a few deep breathes and held her daughter, putting her on her hip, "You'll be safe with your mother, darling." She said, kissing her head.

Amara wiped a few tears that fell from her face, "Morgana, please.."

"Keep her safe." Morgana said, handing over their daughter to her wife, "Keep yourself safe as well."

Amara frowned as her wife kissed her and their daughter one last time and walked out of the room.

Morgana stopped by the door, looking at them one last time, "I love you both. I love you both so much." She said and walked away, leaving the two of them.

Amara sighed as her daughter started tearing up, "It'll be alright, Rosie." Amara tried, wiping her daughter's tears, "She'll come back. She promised.."


Morgana and Tom, who were standing next to each other, both watched as the meeting room was now filled with both of their followers.

"It is time." Tom started, "Everyone apparate to Hogwarts. We'll be there."

They watched as the followers and deatheaters all apparated away. When they were alone, they immediately hugged each other tight, not knowing if it was their last time or not. Even though they had their horcruxes keeping them safe, they were still scared of losing each other. "Please be safe." Tom mumbled.

Morgana nodded, her head on his shoulder, "You too."



And as the wards were now being broken by over 300 people, Morgana motioned for Leo to come next to her and Regulus.

Leo looked confused, but did as she instructed, "Yes, my lady?"

"Shut up and give me a hug, idiots." Morgana mumbled, smiling softly as they both hugged her.

"Be safe, Morgana. You too, you absolute pain in the arse." Regulus said, nodding towards Leo at the last line.

Leo let out a quiet chuckle as they pulled away, "You too, Reg."

Morgana and Tom shared one last look as the others all entered the castle and started dueling, meaning the battle has begun.

"I love you." Tom mouthed.

"I love you too, father." Morgana mouthed back, making him smile widely.

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