/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘌 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘈 𝘛 𝘛 𝘈 𝘊 𝘒 𝘚/

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Morgana smirked as news got out that Justin Finch-Fletchley was attacked. She wasn't planning on the Gryffindor ghost, nearly headless Nick, to get attacked though, not that she minded. He was a bloody Gryffindor.

Even though people already had started suspecting Potter after the show at the dueling club, they were bound to believe it now.

Tom changed back from his animagus form and laid in bed while his cousin pulled out a book, "This is the most interesting thing that has happened in a while."

Morgana scoffed and then looked thoughtful, "Hold on-..How did you spend almost 11 years without a body?"

Tom grimaced as he remembered those times, "I kept possessing animals. Mostly snakes."

"Of course." snorted Morgana. Tom stood up and called for a house elf, who took him back to Slytherin Manor. It had been going on like that since the start of term: Tom would help Morgana with the attacks and other stuff, even though Morgana didn't need much help, and then would go back to Slytherin Manor for showers, rest and other stuff.

A knock pulled her out of her thoughts. She put the book down and opened the door. Regulus and Leo were there, "Can we come in?"

Morgana nodded as they came in, "Where's Amara?"

"Helping a First year with their homework." answered Regulus, going through Morgana's bookshelf, "Damn, Morgana. If you get caught having these books, you'd surely get expelled."

"Expelled?" scoffed Leo as he also looked at them, "She'd get sent to Azkaban. Bloody hell-" his eyes widened as he pulled out a book and looked at Morgana, who was watching them in amusement.

"How'd you get this?" Leo asked, looking deeply fascinated with the book in his hands. Regulus snatched the book out of his hands, "Magick Moste Evile? Those have been illegal for centuries-!"

Morgana gave them a look, "As if that would stop me. Anyways, any news?"

Regulus straightened up, looking slightly anxious. "There's..problems, my lady."

Morgana frowned as she sat down on her bed, "What problems?"

"I've spied on the three Gryffindors like you told me to do and..they're brewing polyjuice potion, probably to sneak into the Slytherin common rooms. However, Granger seems to be getting nearer and nearer to what the monster in the chamber actually is." He explained.

Morgana glared at the window, which showed the Black lake. She tapped her foot onto the ground for a couple of seconds, thinking of a solution. She couldn't petrify people close to Potter, or then the other students wouldn't believe that Potter was behind the attacks..

This was a big problem.


"From what I've heard: Potter and his friends are making polyjuice potions to get into the Slytherin common room." Morgana informed the whole Slytherin house, who were all listening to their leader, "If I hear that one person has let them in, or even gave information. You will regret it."

"Yes, my lady." The Slytherins chorused. Morgana made a shocked eye-contact with Leo and Regulus, who both grinned. "You guys did this?" She whispered to them.

They both nodded, "Yeah. They all agree with your beliefs, so it was quite easy." Regulus explained, flipping through the book in his hands which he borrowed from Morgana.

Morgana blinked a few times. "Good job." She said, making them both beam.

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