/𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘐 𝘟- 𝘛 𝘏 𝘖 𝘜 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛 𝘚/

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Tom knocked on Morgana's door, opening it when she said, "Come in."

"Hey." He said as he closed the door and sat on the edge of her bed.

Morgana put away the pictures in her hands as quickly as possible, "Hey."

"What's that?" Tom motioned to the pictures.

Morgana bit her lip slightly, looking like she was in thought. After a few moments of debating with herself, she gave him the pictures, making his eyes widen.

"You're thinking of proposing-?"

"I don't know, maybe?" She said, scratching her neck sheepishly, "Should I?-..I dunno."

Tom looked back at her as he gave her the pictures of engagement ring options back, "Do you feel ready? Do you think she's ready?"


"Then what's stopping you?"

Morgana shrugged, "I don't really know. I'm thinking about it."


"You're-.. a lesbian?" sneered Bellatrix in disgust as she just found out Morgana had a girlfriend due to eavesdropping on her and Tom's conversation.

"Is there a problem with that, madam Lestrange?" Morgana asked, emphasizing her last name on purpose to remind her of the fact that she was married.

Tom frowned in anger as he realized where this was going. "No..If you'd rather break the tradition of the Most Noble and Ancient house of Gaunt and not have an heir.." Bellatrix said in disgust.

Morgana smiled sharply, "Being in Azkaban for 14 years really has messed up your mind. There are many ways of getting an heir; the most obvious ones might be the fact that we're magical and there are potions for same-sex couples to have children and adoption is also an option."

Bellatrix sneered in disgust, "Same-sex couples having children?-.."

"Any person of any gender would be a better parent than you." Morgana cut her off, her fake smile dropping and turning into a hard glare, "Leaving your child for 14 years, loving somebody else while in a marriage, and the fact that you don't even hide it- not even thinking about how ashamed and awful your son might feel with your behavior."

"Don't you dare bring my son into this—"

"Then don't you dare be a homophobic bitch." Morgana snapped, "This manor is no place for such people and comments. Salazar himself doesn't care about the fact that the Gaunt line shall have a married same-sex couple soon, and neither shall you."

"It's not a tradition—"

"Neither is loving somebody else while being in a marriage, but you're still doing that with no problem as it seems." Morgana cut her off.

"Stop bringing that up-!"

"I will when you atleast try to quieten down your thoughts." She sneered as she looked away after finding even more disturbing thoughts about Tom, "I'm not supposed to be knowing what you're currently thinking about doing with my father even though we're in a conversation."

Tom looked at her in shock and slight joy at being called that again, but she didn't realize.

Bellatrix, however, rolled her eyes, "Then stop using Legilimency on me."

"When a mind is extremely broken beyond repair and doesn't know Occulemency, anyone who has mastered Legilimency can get into the person's head only by looking into their eyes without even trying to. It may seem like Azkaban took a toll on you, miss Lestrange." Morgana pointed out, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm supposed to be meeting up with my girlfriend."

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