/𝘚 𝘐 𝘟 𝘛 𝘠 𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛- 𝘗 𝘙 𝘖 𝘗 𝘏 𝘌 𝘛/

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That night, Amara sighed as she started healing Leo, who was laying down on the couch painfully. "You failed another mission?" She questioned softly, apologizing when he winced at the pain.

"Yes.." Leo replied, looking ashamed, his voice hoarse.

Amara conjured a glass and filled it with water, continuing to heal him as he drank it.

"Thanks." He mumbled and then his eyes widened slightly, "Won't Morgana be mad about the fact that you're healing me?"

She shrugged, "No. You got your punishment and that's what's important to her."

Leo hummed, knowing she was right. "Thank you."


Morgana frowned as she was given the daily prophet by Tom:

That's right, everybody. Earlier on this week, there has been proof that a new dark lady has been recruiting and is rising. Morgana Gaunt, age 20 and engaged to Amara Auclair, is the cousin of Lord Voldemort or as last year people used to know him as 'Tom Gaunt'. Resources have shown that she had also been adopted by him—'

Morgana stopped and burned the paper wandlessly, leaning back on her chair. "Well..there's that."

Tom rubbed his forehead, trying to make his headache go away. "A war's rising, Belladona..We have to prepare you-"

"I am prepared." Morgana cut him off, looking offended, "I'm not a child anymore, Marvolo."

"I don't care how old you are. You will always remain a child infront of my eyes and I will always protect you."

"And who's going to protect you?!" She questioned, making him shut up, "I don't want to lose you just as much as you don't want to lose me-"

"I'd much rather lose myself than you-"

"And that's the problem because I'd rather lose myself than you as well."

Tom sighed sadly as she walked away from the room. Since he could remember, all he wanted was a family. And now, he has one and he'd rather lose everything than her. But the only problem was..so would Morgana.


"I'm joining you." Amara said as soon as Morgana walked into their bedroom.

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

Amara felt her anger rising as her fiancée looked unbothered, "Why not?!"

"I'm not losing you." Morgana calmly replied.

"Really?" Amara questioned, glaring at her, "Because I could've sworn that you only took me on that date in third year and started dating me just because there would be a larger chance of me joining you."

Morgana stopped and looked at her in shock, "Of course not-"

"We both know that's a lie." Her fiancée cut her off, "It took a year for you to actually love me back."

Morgana stayed quiet, so she just continued, "You used me." it was clear that it was more of a statement than a question and when Morgana was still quiet, Amara wiped her tears and laughed bitterly, "Why didn't you just say so?"

"I might've not loved you then, but I surely love you now-"

"Only because you couldn't stop yourself!" Amara snapped, her eyes and voice held so much heartbreak that Morgana couldn't look at her, "If you could helped it, you would've never loved me back!"

"Darling, stop-"

"Tell me the truth." Amara cut her off, "Is it something wrong with me? Am I just not pretty enough? Ruthless enough?—"

"I love you just the way you are, Amara."

"Really? Because it's sort of clear that you would want someone with the same beliefs deep down."

"Of course not-!"

"I can change." Amara mumbled, looking ashamed, "I'll change. I'll start hating mugglebo-..mud..bloods. I'll start hating on mudbloods..and I'll start killing them and join you on raids. I'll be the fiancée you actually wish for deep down and deserve—"

Morgana grabbed her face gently and stroked her cheek, wiping her tears fiancée's tears as she looked at her, "Don't change. This is the Amara I fell in love with. Don't change into another Amara I'd never actually want when there's this kind and gorgeous and compassionate Amara right infront of me."

Amara leaned into her touch and looked away, "But-"

"Hush, my love." Morgana cut her off and pulled her into a hug, "I'm sorry for not telling you how much I love you. It's just-..I've never had anyone to show me what love is before you came along and I was just confused at first, but now I'm absolutely certain that I'm in love with you and I wouldn't have it any other way.

After all, we are getting married soon, are we not?"

Amara let out a slight chuckle through her tears and nodded, "Yes, we are." She smiled as Morgana kissed her head and pulled her into her arms again.

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