/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘍 𝘐 𝘝 𝘌- 𝘓 𝘖 𝘊 𝘒 𝘌 𝘛/

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Morgana took a few deep breathes and wiped her tears, moving on to the rusty locket.

When she opened it, it took all her self-control to stop herself from breaking down once again.

It was a moving picture of Rosanna and Merlin's, looking like it was after their wedding..

A grinning Merlin Gaunt picked up his wife, who was in a bride's dress, making her laugh.

"Put me down, Merlin!" said Rosanna.

Morgana closed the locket, "Scourgify." She mumbled and wore the necklace around her neck.

She admired it for a few seconds and then snapped out of it as Tom appeared, "Hey-.." he stopped as he saw her puffy eyes, "Are you alright?!"

Morgana nodded once, her hand clasped around the locket around her neck. Tom followed this movement and frowned in concern, "You want to talk about it?"

She shook her head, not looking away from the stuff on the table. Tom nodded understandingly, "Should I stay or leave?"

"Stay." Morgana immediately said.

He nodded and sat down next to her, not noticing the double meaning behind that word. "So, what are these?"

"Stuff my parents left for me." She replied, making his eyes widen slightly, "I was looking for something to make a horcrux out of and found these."

"And you'll make one of them a horcrux?"

Morgana shrugged, "I dunno. I think I might make this a horcrux.." she said, pulling off the locket and handing it over to him.

He opened it, his eyebrows rising at the moving picture inside. "Wow.."

"Mhm." Morgana mused as she wore it again when he gave it back, "I finally found out my mum's name."

Tom smiled as he heard the happiness in her voice, but frowned slightly as he realized what she said, "You never knew your mum's name?"


He nodded understandingly and pulled her closer to him, making her relax as she laid her head on his shoulder.

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