"𝘕 𝘖 𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘕 𝘎 𝘐 𝘚 𝘞 𝘖 𝘙 𝘚 𝘌 𝘛 𝘏 𝘈 𝘕 𝘋 𝘌 𝘈 𝘛 𝘏 "

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The students in the school shared confused and alarmed looks as the castle started rumbling. The doors of the great hall opened and in came the Order of the Phoenix.

It consisted of about 30 people with Ron Weasley in the middle of it. "We need you, mate." Ron tried, looking at Harry, who was glaring at him by the Slytherin table.

"For what? Money and fame?" scoffed Harry as he stood up and pulled up his sleeve, "We all know which side I'm now on, Weasley. I've been a follower of hers since second year."

Harry smirked as almost all the Gryffindors and the order gasped. Ron, however, glared at him, "She's going to die tonight."

But they were cut off as the castle started shaking once again, meaning that they were close.

"Who wants to fight?" Ron shouted among the chaos. The Gryffindors all stood up and some of the manipulated Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws did as well.

The Slytherins, however, stood up and all rolled up their sleeves, showing their marks. "We all will."

They all immediately got in a huge duel, the students between the age of 11-13 rushing out, some staying to fight.


"Dragon." Leo called as Draco appeared while the other students were all rushing out of the great hall, getting into duels with deatheaters and Morgana's followers.

Draco turned around at the sound of his brother, his eyes widening, "Leo?"

"Come here." Leo mumbled, smiling when his little brother hugged him, "It'll be over soon."


Regulus made eye contact with his mother, "Be safe, mum."

"You too, Reggie. I love you." Bellatrix said with a smile, then immediately rushing into the fight.

"We love you." corrected Rodolphus behind his son, making him turn around.

"I love you too, father."


"LEO!" Draco shouted as Leo pushed him out of the way off a green light, "Leo—Leo?—L.. No—no-..! GODDAMIT ANSWER ME, LEO!"

Draco rolled his brother's body over, shaking him with all his might, trying to fight his tears, "Leo! You-..You shouldn't have done that! YOU-.." He kept trying, but stopped when he knew he wasn't going anywhere with this.

"Leo.." Draco's voice broke, not moving away from his brother's dead body that was now clutched tight in his hands. "You saved me..And took the curse yourself." He finished in pain, shaking his head as he started sobbing.


"It has to be somewhere here-" Ron said, looking at all the stuff in the room of requirement.

"Ron." Hermione cut his rambling off, "Maybe it's not here."

"What do you mean? Dumbledore said so—!"

Hermione grabbed his hand harshly, making him stumble, his eyes widened when her mark was revealed. "You—You're the spy."

"Yes," Hermione didn't look away from him, "Love potions? You think I'm dumb? You've been in sight of the spy the whole time, Ronald. You're the dumb one here."

Ron pushed her with all his might and rushed out of the room. Hermione huffed in shock and pain as she stood up from the ground and wiped some blood from her head, "How dare he-"


"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

The Weasley twins shared eager smirks as they hid behind a pillar and watched as the light side were confused into killing their own, instead of fighting the dark sides, due to the candies they had put in the great hall before the whole battle.

Ron watched in shock and confusion as the scene played out, "KILL THE BLOODY DARK SIDE NOT EACH OTHER-!" He dodged as a green light headed towards his way by someone from the order.

"This is way-"

"-more interesting-"

"-than we had planned." The Weasley twins finished simultaneously, grinning as Ron rushed away from them all.


"Not fighting, Weasley?" A voice said behind Ron, making him gulp as he could recognize that voice anywhere.

He tried putting on a brave mask as he turned around and saw the dark lady twirling her wand. "Reckon I'm braver than you."

"Want to test that out?" mocked Morgana, "So be it."

They both immediately started getting into a duel on top of the school. Ron slipped on a brick, but caught himself just in time as he hid behind a pillar.

"Come out, Weasley." Morgana sneered, "Let's match the power of the I, the dark lady and also lady of Slytherin..against the great Ronald Weasley."

Ron blanched, but stayed in his place. Morgana rolled her eyes and apparated infront of him, frowning in disbelief as he stood up in a second and was holding her wrist.

"Come on, Gaunt." sneered Ron, "Let's finish this the way it was told. Together."

She didn't have much time to move out of the way as he pushed both of them off of the edge of the castle, holding onto her for dear life.

She immediately started flying, trying to get him off of her, but it was no use as he was somehow far too strong.


Morgana and Ron made eye contact, both of them on the ground from the fall, as they both reached for their wands.

"Avada Kedavra!" Morgana shouted, while Ron shouted, "Sectumsempra!"

Tom, who was keeping an eye out for Morgana the whole time just incase something would happen to her, watched in worry and pride when his daughter was looking like she was getting the upper hand.

Ron didn't have enough time to move out of the way as Morgana sent a wandless killing curse as well, immediately killing him and winning.

"I did it." Morgana mumbled, smirking widely at Ron's dead body.

"Yeah, you did." Tom said in pride, smiling softly.

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