/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘕 𝘐 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘓 𝘈 𝘒 𝘌/

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Morgana frowned in displeasure and anger as she looked at the golden egg in her hands. She looked up when she heard the door opening.

Amara walked in and frowned slightly at her girlfriend's fidgeting and anxious expression, "What's wrong, ma belle?"

Her girlfriend sighed and stood up, "I can't figure this egg out."

Amara motioned to hold it and opened it when Morgana gave it to her. A sound of high-pitch screeching made them cover their ears and drop the egg.

Amara immediately held it and closed it as fast as she could, "Well..There's that."

Morgana groaned and sat back down, rubbing her face. "Maybe you should take a bath to relieve some stress, chérie."

"I can't." sighed Morgana, "I need to figure the egg out. The task is in 2 weeks."

"And? I'll help you with it. For now you should just relax." Amara repeated sternly and opened the bathroom door, filling up the bath.

Morgana reluctantly stood up and walked into the bathroom. The dorm of Salazar's descendants had their own bathroom, something Morgana endlessly thanked Salazar's portrait for after getting the dorm in her first year.

"Love, I'm not stressed-"

"Really? Because your stressing so much that I felt it from the common room."

Morgana's lips almost twitched into a smile, "Fine."

"Thank you and-.." but they both immediately covered their ears as the golden egg fell from Amara's hands into the bathtub.

They both shared a confused look and slowly uncovered their ears, "Maybe you should hear it from under the water?" Amara suggested, walking out of the bathroom, "Goodluck, ma belle."

Morgana undressed as the door closed. When she was done, she sat in the bathtub and held her breathe as she went under the water.

'Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.'

Morgana let out a breath as she sat back up and closed the egg.

The only things she cared for were her horcruxes..and the ring Tom had given her for her birthday. Surely they wouldn't be taking those away?


The night before the second task, Morgana stayed behind in potions class. "Is there something you need, Miss Gaunt?" asked Snape.

Morgana nodded, "Sir, I was wondering if you had some gillyweed? I need it for the task, you see."

Snape walked over to a cabinet and pulled a small jar out, "This should be it."

"Thank you, Professor." She said and walked out.


The next day, Morgana and the other two champions were standing, waiting for the cannon to be shot.

She made eye contact with Tom, who gave her an encouraging smile. She frowned when she realized that Amara was nowhere in sight.

"Miss Gaunt." whispered Ludo Bagman, "It would be better if you weren't wearing so many jewelry."

Morgana frowned and glared at him, "And why's that?"

"The mermaids might steal them." He warned and held up a hand, "I can hold them for you until you get out, if you'd like."

"No." She immediately said, relief bubbling up in her as Tom walked over.

"I think I can hold her jewelry instead, Bagman." Tom said coldly, glaring at the man. Ludo, however, was too enthusiastic about the task, not noticing his glare, nodded and left.

Morgana pulled off her necklace and the three rings, making Tom smile slightly at the fact that she wore his present, "Don't worry about these. I'll keep them safe." said Tom.

She nodded and went back to the champions. The cannon shot, making her eat the gillyweed and jump into the lake.


It took about 15 minutes for Morgana to finally find the thing she'll sorely miss.


"Of course." mumbled Morgana as she cut the rope with a dagger she had and pulled out her wand, holding Amara close, "Ascendio!"

Everyone started cheering as Morgana and Amara landed, while the judges and professors gave them towels. "Are you alright, love?" whispered Morgana worriedly.

Amara nodded with a huge smile, "You're first."

"That's not important." Morgana immediately said, "What's important is that if you're fine or not."

They stood up and watched the task as well. Morgana smiled in relief as Tom walked over and gave her the horcruxes and ring back, "Thank you."

"Congratulations for being first." Tom said as she put the jewelry on.


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