/𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘖 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘕 𝘌 𝘊 𝘒 𝘓 𝘈 𝘊 𝘌/

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Tom apparated himself and Morgana back to Slytherin Manor. "There's a mudblood in the dungeons if you want to make a horcrux." He said.

Morgana nodded, both of them walking into the dungeons. Her eyes slightly widened at who was inside.

Dean Thomas.

She, of course, knew who he was, due to wanting to petrify him once when she opened the chamber of secrets, but kept on failing for some reason.

"Gaunt?" Dean asked in shock and confusion.

"Avada Kedavra." Morgana immediately casted.


Right now, Morgana and Tom were in the living room. Tom watched in confusion as Morgana pulled off a necklace she had on, "Why a necklace?"

"Amara got me this for our first anniversary." Morgana admitted and took a deep breath, pointed her wand at it, "Horcruxium."

Tom flinched violently and looked away as she started screaming in pain. He didn't flinch because of how high her screams were, no..he flinched because he hated the fact that she was in so much pain at that moment. The fact that he couldn't go anywhere near her until it would finally be over, made it much worse.

As soon as Morgana stopped screaming, Tom rushing to her side and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay." He soothed as she kept on panting. "I'm here. It's okay, you're okay."

Morgana nodded slightly, but felt extremely drowsy and tired. Tom, who noticed this, immediately held her up bridal style and carried her to her room.


A few hours later, Morgana woke up. She frowned in confusion at the fact she was in her room. A house elf popped in, making her slightly jump for the first time ever.

The house elf put a tray of food on her bedside table and gave her 3 books. "Master Gaunt said to give heiress Gaunt food and books. Master Gaunt also said that heiress Gaunt must stay in bed for the week."

"Tell him I said thanks." muttered Morgana, rubbing her eyes due to somehow still being sleepy.

The house elf nodded and left with another pop. Morgana sighed and started eating and reading.


Morgana looked up from her book when she heard a knock on her door, "Come in."

Tom opened the door and walked in. "How are you feeling?" He asked, worry evident in his face and voice.


He hummed and pulled out a few potions, "I made these for you while you were sleeping."

"What are they?"

"The Blue ones are potions that help with getting a better sleep, just incase you're in pain again. The Red ones are pain-relieving potions."

Morgana smiled slightly, "Thank you, Marvolo. You didn't have to."

"Of course I did." Tom immediately said and started walking out of the door, "Call for a house elf to inform me if you need me"

She nodded, making him smile in satisfaction, and walk out.

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