/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘚 𝘛 𝘖 𝘕 𝘌/

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The next few months passed. Morgana was now rushing through the Third floor corridor before Potter could get there. She conjured a harp for the three-headed dog and jumped through the trapdoor.

She grimaced as she felt devil's snare. She took a few calming breathes and felt herself dropping to the floor. When she was dropped, she rushing through the next door and frowned at the keys, "Accio real key." She muttered and opened the door, closing it when the keys tried to attack.

"A bloody chess board?!" She exclaimed to herself and smirked when she had an idea.

Morgana was smart for her age. Maybe a bit too smart as she knew all N.E.W.T spells, potions, charms, etc.

She apparated herself to the other side of the board, rolling her eyes when it worked, meaning Dumbledore hadn't thought this part through. She sighed at his foolishness and grinned as she walked to the last task..a mirror? She walked to it and saw the engraving, "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi."

"I show not your face, but your heart's desire." mumbled Morgana as she stood infront of it and closed her eyes, not knowing what she was expecting to see.

When she opened her eyes, she got stuck at the image infront of her.

Mirror Morgana was older and holding Amara's hand. They were surrounded by what looked like an army.

That didn't shock Morgana, what did was..Tom standing behind her looking proud.

The door behind her opened, but she didn't move a limb as she heard Potter walking in, "Gaunt?! Where's Snape?" He asked, frantically looking around.

"You see, Potter.." Morgana started, looking at him with a malicious glint in her eye, making him shudder, "I've been trying to get the stone. Not Snape."

"W-..What?!" spluttered Harry in shock, "But-..But why?"

"For my cousin, Potter. Now," she ignored his question of "Who?" And wandlessly petrified him as she floated his body infront of the mirror, "What do you see, Potter?"

"I-...I see myself. Holding the quidditch cup. I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore." said Harry, discreetly looking at the lump in his pocket.

Morgana rolled her eyes, "I'm a skilled legilimens, Potter. Accio stone." She smirked as she held the stone in her hand.

"No!" Harry exclaimed, but couldn't move. Morgana tutted, "Hush now, Potter. I win. Obliviate." She pointed her wand and started sorting through his memories, planting fake ones instead.

When she was done, she calmly walked through the obstacles and started walking to the DADA classroom.


"Well?" Tom questioned eagerly as his cousin walked into the room. She threw the stone, which he immediately caught. "..Thank you, Belladona."

"I'll be seeing you in Slytherin Manor." Morgana pointedly said, making his eyes widen slightly.

"You-..You want me to live with you?"

Morgana smiled slightly, "You're the only family I have. Of course I do. Besides, the manor belongs to you as much as it belongs to me."

"Thank you." Tom replied, slightly overwhelmed.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘴Where stories live. Discover now