/𝘛 𝘏 𝘙 𝘌 𝘌- 𝘊 𝘖 𝘜 𝘚 𝘐 𝘕 𝘚 ?/

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"First of all," Quirrell started, narrowing his eyes on the smirking girl, "How do you know who I am, and how do you know that I'm even a Gaunt?"

Morgana rolled her eyes, but answered, "I took a blood test for my family tree, and I saw your name on it."

"Alright..Secondly, there were no other living Gaunts except Morfin, who so mysteriously got sent into Azkaban and died there." Tom pointed out, but smirked at the ending.

"There was," Morgana said, showing him the Gaunt heiress ring, making his eyes slightly widen, "My father, Merlin Gaunt, was Merope and Morfin's younger brother, but got kidnapped in a young age. He escaped when he was sixteen in America, and stayed there when he found out all of his family were dead. He found a pureblood American and got married, then they had me. They died soon after that, though, and now I live alone in Slytherin Manor in America."

Tom stayed quiet through the whole explanation and then met her eyes, "So we're..cousins?"

"..yes. We're family." She concluded, both of them looking at each other in shock as she said this, because it was true. They were family..Family, the only thing both of them have longed for, for many many years. And now? They kind of had it..

"I-..We're family." Tom repeated, not stopping the smile growing on his face. "I need your help-"

"To get the philosopher's stone? Yeah, alright." Morgana cut him off, making him look at her in shock, "What? You think I don't know that it was you who broke into Gringotts? But really? Quirrell? Couldn't you posses Snape or somebody else?" She questioned, making Tom roll his eyes.


Morgana walked out of the classroom and started walking through the corridors. She stopped when she realized Amara talking to what looked to be a first year. "Really, darling? Why're you even helping them?" Morgana questioned as the girl left.

Amara turned around and smiled, "She was a first year and needed help."

"She looks like a mudblood." Morgana pointed out, holding her hand. Amara rolled her eyes with a fond smile, "We have to put on a nice front for now, remember?"

"Yeah, but you're nice front is actually real." Her girlfriend said as they walked into the great hall, ignoring some curious glances from first years, who couldn't believe that the nice-looking girl and mean-looking girl were actually a couple.

Amara sighed fondly, admiring the way her girlfriend had a frown on her face, "Well one of us has to be nice in the end."

Regulus whistled mockingly, "You just got burned, Morgana." he said, making the girl glare at him, to which he just put on a smirk in reply.


The next few days all passed in a blur. Right now, the cousins were at the library together. Quirrell/Tom was reading a book on the dark arts, while Morgana was searching for the entrance to the chamber of secrets.

"You opened the chamber of secrets almost 50 years ago, right?" Morgana questioned desperately.

Tom looked up from the book and nodded, "Yes. And no, I will not be telling you where it is. It's a tradition for the Gaunts to find it on their own and then open it."

Morgana groaned as she glared at him, but he just smirked back. She had asked Salazar the same thing, but got the same reply in return. "I've been searching for it since Second year, Marvolo."

Tom shrugged and went back to his book, "It took me years to find it, as well. You'll find it soon, Belladona."

Morgana rolled her eyes as she went back to her book. She wasn't lying when she said that she'd been searching for it for years, but still didn't know where the entrance was it.

"And anyways, isn't it going to be obvious that it was you who opens the chamber? Everyone knows that your the heiress of Slytherin." Tom pointed out, pointing to her Gaunt heiress ring.

Morgana looked thoughtful, "How many horcruxes do you have?" She asked, making Tom's eyes widen. "Pardon?" He chocked out, not knowing if he heard her right.

She gave him a look, "Oh, come on. The only way that you're alive would be because of horcruxes. So, how many do you have?"

"..I'll tell you everything there's needed to know when I get my body back, Belladona."


𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘴Where stories live. Discover now