/𝘛 𝘞 𝘌 𝘓 𝘝 𝘌- 𝘖 𝘗 𝘌 𝘕 𝘌 𝘋/

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Morgana watched as her clone walked into the great hall, while she rushed to the chamber. It was very advanced magic to make an exact clone of yourself, but Morgana could manage almost every aspect of magic.

"Finally." Tom mumbled as he changed back into his body, but his cousin ignored him.

"Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest of Hogwarts Four." Morgana hissed, smirking when the basilisk emerged.

"Is it time?" Medusa asked, looking excited. Morgana nodded, "Yes. The first one is just going to be a scare. I need you to kill the Squib's cat. Can you do that?"

Medusa nodded excitedly as she rushed through the pipes. "And now we wait." Tom said, making Morgana laugh.

"Wait? I think the hell not. Change back to your animagus." Morgana almost ordered, making her cousin roll his eyes fondly.

With a snap of her fingers, her clone was gone and the real Morgana was in her place, but nobody noticed. "So, did it work?" Amara asked.

Except Amara and her two friends, because they almost always knew everything, since Morgana would tell them every plan of hers.

"Yep." She replied simply.


Everyone stopped as they walked out of the great hall, staring in horror at the wall,

"Enemies of the heir, beware?" Draco Malfoy questioned and then looked at Hermione, who was standing infront of it with Ron and Harry, "You'll be next, mudbloods."

"What's going on here?" Argus Filch sneered, "Go on. Make way, make way." He stopped at the sight.

Morgana frowned and rolled her eyes when she realized that the cat was petrified, not dead. "M-..my cat! You-..you killed my cat!" Filch pointed to Harry, who vigorously shook his head.

"Argus!" Headmaster Dumbledore exclaimed, his eyes widening when he noticed the writing on the wall, "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately..Everyone except you three." He looked at the Golden trio.


Morgana smirked smugly as she flopped onto the couch in the Slytherin common room. She was aware of the stares so she pulled out her wand and casted a secrecy spell on the room, "Yes, I opened the chamber. Now, I must ask you all to stop looking at me, or you'll be next to get petrified."

They all immediately looked away after that, but it was no shock to Morgana that their eyes were filled with awe. This was perfect.

"Congratulations, ma belle." Amara said as she sat next to her girlfriend, smiling when she kissed her head.

"Thank you, dear." Morgana replied and started rubbing circles on her girlfriend's thigh, making both of them relax.

Leo and Regulus both grinned as they flopped onto the couch infront of them, "Who'll be the first mudblood to get killed?" Leo asked eagerly, making his cousin also look eager.

Morgana hummed, "It'll be only petrifications. However, I will be killing somebody, but I haven't decided who yet."

Leo nodded, "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Morgana slowly started smirking, "I need you to make Draco join me. I don't care if you've got to force him or even threaten him, just get on with it."

Leo smirked as he nodded. It was obvious that he'd always choose power over family, just like the true Malfoy he was. Narcissa, Lucius and Draco also knew this, which made Narcissa and Draco sad as they were slightly scared for Draco to be forced into these stuff. Lucius, however, was proud of his heir, liking the fact that his son was exactly like himself.

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