/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘛 𝘏 𝘙 𝘌 𝘌- 𝘓 𝘈 𝘊 𝘒/

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Morgana frowned further and further as Draco explained his failure with a cursed necklace, accidentally cursing a girl named Katie Bell.

"And did she die?"

"She was saved in time." Draco replied, not looking at her.

"How's the vanishing cabinet going?"

"..I'm working on it, my lady."

"So in other words..you're failing both of your tasks." Morgana concluded, glaring at the boy infront of her.

Draco flinched, knowing what was about to happen next. He was right when she murmured, "Crucio."

When he finally stopped screaming, she ordered him to look at her, making him gulp. "Legilimens."

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Draco shouted, pointing a finger to his older brother.

Leo rubbed his face, "No, it's not-"

"STOP BEING A SERVANT AND BE THE OLDER BROTHER YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE, FOR ONCE!" Draco cut him off angrily, kicking a vase in sight, "..She'll kill me."

Leo frowned at the pain in his brother's voice, "What's your task?"

"Kill Dumbledore." Draco replied in a small voice, tears now streaming down his face.

Leo's eyes widened as he walked to him and put both of his hands on his shoulders, "What?"

"I have to kill Dumbledore and fix a vanishing cabinet. Both of which will take me years, but I'm supposed to complete both of them by the end of the school year."

His older brother frowned in thought, "I-..I'm sorry, dragon."

Draco turned angry once again, "IF YOU DIDN'T FAIL SO MANY TASKS, I WOULD'VE NEVER GOTTEN HERE! THIS WOULD'VE NEVER HAPPENED!..I'm not a killer, Leo.." his voice breaking in the end.

Leo sighed, "I'll help you, Draco. It's the least I can do."

"So.." mused Morgana as she stepped out of Draco's memories, "Your older brother is helping you, yet you're still failing? Typical."

Draco paled, "My lady, I'll get them both finished soon-.."

Morgana rolled her eyes, "You better. Your brother has technically betrayed me by helping you, Draco.." she tutted, "If you fail..He'll be gone."

Draco paled even further, "Of-..Of course.."



"You're putting too much pressure onto the boy, chérie." Amara said as she walked in.

Morgana stood up and put her hands around her wife's hips, "That's kind of the point, my love."

Amara shook her head fondly and smiled as her wife kissed her forehead, "How's our daughter?" Morgana asked. Amara had taken a potion a few days before which told them the gender sooner than the muggle technologies could, even though she had a feeling it was a girl, they still wanted to make sure and she ended up being right. She was now a month pregnant.

"She's fine." Amara replied, relaxing as Morgana pulled her into her arms, "And growing."

Morgana chuckled, "That's good." She said, making her wife hum.

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