/𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘚 𝘗 𝘠/

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The next few days passed by in a blur. Right now, they were all eating dinner together. The Lestranges were having their own conversation while Barty and Morgana were having their own conversation as well.

An owl flew in, but they all ignored it, except Tom who took the letters from the owl. His eyebrows slightly rose, "Belladona, this is for you."

Morgana stopped talking with Barty and looked confused as she took the paper. Her eyebrows also slightly rising,

'Morgana Gaunt'

She opened it and started reading it:

Dumbledore has this army he calls 'Order Of the Phoenix'. He is using them all (Mad-Eye Moody-,'

"I thought Mad-Eye was dead?" Morgana questioned as she stopped reading suddenly.

"Nope." Barty replied.

She went back to reading,

'-The whole Weasley family, Myself, Nymphadora Tonks, and Sirius and Remus) that's all the members I know as of right now, but I know Remus and Sirius will tell you and..Voldemort..the other members.
Nobody fully believes Voldemort to be back and they just think that Dumbledore is going crazy, not that I don't blame them since he constantly says 'Voldemort's back!' every 5 minutes. Anyways, that's all I know for now.
Oh, and the headquarters is 15 Grimmauld Place; it's where the Black family used to live.
When I get more information, I'll be writing to you.
-Hermione Jean Granger.'

Tom, who was reading over her shoulder, frowned in thought. Morgana's eyes lightened up as she got an idea, "Why don't we just break into there? Your deatheaters surely outnumber the order."

Bellatrix scoffed, "You're making it sound very easy."

"You don't even know what she's talking about, Bellatrix, so I am kindly suggesting that you should shut up or you shall be kissing your life goodbye." Tom threatened immediately.

Bellatrix's shoulders slumped and she looked like a kicked puppy but was ignored.

Regulus pursed his lips and started poking his food with his fork, sighing sadly. As much as he had wanted his mother back for the past 14 years, he now surely wished that he hadn't gotten her back, due to how much she had changed. Bellatrix was too busy with her obsession with Voldemort to assure her son that she loves him and is proud of him, unlike Rodolphus, who goes out of his way to assure his son.

"Anyways," Morgana started and stood up, following Tom who motioned for her to do so.


Morgana and Tom sat in the library together as they started talking. "Your idea isn't actually bad." Tom pointed out, "The only problem, however, is that the building has a Fidelius charm on it by none other than Albus Dumbledore."

Morgana groaned, making Tom's lips twitch upwards, "How about we send them false information about where some death eaters might be, but then come out of hiding and start dueling them or something?"

"We'll think of something, Belladona. Right now, we need to think of recruiting followers for you and you marking them."

Morgana sat up straighter and shrugged, "The followers recruiting is easy, the marking isn't. How am I supposed to mark them? What am I going to mark them with? What shall the symbol even be?!"

At the last question, Tom smirked as he pulled out a piece of parchment,

At the last question, Tom smirked as he pulled out a piece of parchment,

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Morgana blinked a couple of times, "You really drew this?"

Tom gave her a look, "Of course not-..it was a charm-..that's not important."

"Hold on-.. This is technically the same as your own mark."

Tom shook his head and pulled out another piece of parchment, "Here they are side by side:"

"There are lots of differences, but in the end, they are technically the same because of a reason

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"There are lots of differences, but in the end, they are technically the same because of a reason."

"Which is?"

"We've had almost the exact same childhood and have turned into the exact same person, without even knowing it. Why are we pitying ourselves because of that when we have learnt things other people haven't—"

"The only thing we've learnt is that life has no meaning if you're all alone, Marvolo."

"Really?" Tom questioned looking exasperated, "You might see yourself as a woman in desperate need of a family, but in front of me sits an independent, powerful and worthy woman, having the extreme ambition to turn into a dark lady. Which way do you see yourself as, now?"

Morgana looked thoughtful, making him smirk in victory, "We both turned the exact same in the end, have we not?"

She rolled her eyes fondly, "Fine. You win. Happy?"

"Extremely." grinned Tom as he pointed to the parchment, "So?"

"I suppose that'll be my new mark. Now I just need to create a spell for it, thank you Marvolo."


Morgana started talking again once she realized something, "Why is mine Green and Black when yours is only Black?"

"The green in yours signifies your bloodline: The Gaunts." Tom said and then grimaced, "I, however..changed my last name to my mother's maiden name instead of keeping my filthy muggle father's last name."

Morgana nodded, but stopped as she realized something and made a shocked eye contact with Tom, who was looking ashamed. "You're-"

"A half-blood?" Tom cut her off and nodded, "Yes. Disgusting, I know."

Morgana snorted, "It's ironic how you stand up for blood supremacy when you're a half-blood, but let's all ignore that."

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