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Everyone stopped as the Gaunt family stepped into Platform 9¾. Morgana Gaunt glared at them all, making them go back to what they were doing immediately.

"Leo!" 15-year old Corvina Gaunt exclaimed, snatching the book her 11-year old brother took from her.

Leo Gaunt frowned, "I'll give it back to you, I promise. I just need it for a few days-!"

"Which is why Rosie has gotten it for you." Corvina pointed out, making Leo look at his oldest sister.

"She's right." 20-year old Ambrose Gaunt said and pulled out a book, "I knew you'd want it."

"Thanks." Leo said, putting away the book he just took.

"Have you got everything you need, Leo?" Amara asked her son, while her wife was busy talking with their daughters.

"Yes." Leo assured his mother.

"Good." Amara said, "If you have forgotten anything, owl us and we will send it to you."

Leo nodded, suddenly frowning as a question popped up in his mind. "Mum? Will mother be disappointed if I don't get in Slytherin?" He whispered so that the others wouldn't hear.

"I highly doubt that." Amara immediately answered, crouching down to her son's level and fixing his robe.

"But we're related to Salazar Slytherin.. Corvi's in Slytherin and Rosie was in Slytherin and so were both of you-"

"If you're so worried, you should ask her yourself, ma vie."

Leo glanced at his mother, who was walking over to him, "Fine." He reluctantly said, watching as his mum smiled and left, leaving him and his mother alone.

Morgana crouched down to her son's level, "I know what you're worried about, Leo. You should know that I don't care what house you'll get in, I'll be proud of you no matter what house you'll get sorted in." She said, easing all his worries immediately.

"Really?" Her son asked hopefully.

"Of course." Morgana replied as if it was obvious, "I'm quite certain that you're going to be a Hufflepuff, and it makes me proud. You definitely have your mum's kindness." She teased, pointing to Amara.

Leo let out a chuckle and then smiled, "So, I won't be disgracing the family name?"

Morgana frowned, "Of course not." She immediately said, pulling out a box.

The 11-year old opened the box in confusion, his eyes immediately widening at what was inside.

The Gaunt heir ring.

"But.. what about Corvi and Rosie?" He asked in confusion and shock.

"Corvi said she believes you're worthy of being the heir, since you're going to be the one carrying on the family name. She has the Gaunt family ring. You, however, now have the Gaunt heir ring." Morgana smiled, "Also, Rosie is already my heir to the dark lady path, so she doesn't need to be an heir to something else. So, that means it's rightfully yours, heir Gaunt."

Leo let out a chuckle and put on the ring, "and grandfather accepts this?" He asked, thinking about Tom.

"Of course he does. He'd have been here to send you off, but he has important business."

"It's alright." Leo said, smiling softly. "He said that he'll be owling me soon."

"Good." Morgana kissed his head, much to the shock of the other families, "Now, go and be the Hufflepuff you are."

Leo chuckled and hugged his parents and his oldest sister, "Bye. Love you mums!" He said and rushed onto the train with his other sister, who was waving to their parents.

"Mums?" scoffed Morgana, looking offended. "He couldn't tell us that he loves us individually?"

Amara merely smiled softly, waving to her son as she laid her head on her wife's shoulder.

"I didn't even get a 'love you'." Ambrose shot back, making her parents laugh.

They all watched as the train started moving, all the parents waving to their kids.

Morgana sighed, for the first time ever in happiness.

She had a family..


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