/𝘚 𝘐 𝘟 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘓 𝘈 𝘋 𝘠/

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Ron rushed out of the veil room and rushed over to Bellatrix, who was standing in the middle of the empty ministry. Morgana apparated there just in time, but unfortunately, the floo roared.

Albus Dumbledore walked out of the fireplace, his eyes slightly widening as he saw Morgana, "Well, miss Gaunt, I thought you'd never cross down this path yet I can't really blame you."

Morgana didn't reply, merely glaring at the man. Tom walked in at that moment, making Albus even more shocked, "Mister Gaunt-?"

Tom smirked, "I think you should know who you are actually talking to, Albus."

Ron paled as Tom showed his Red eyes, while Albus looked calculated, "So..you two are related?"

Tom didn't reply as he immediately got into a duel with Dumbledore, while Morgana got into a duel with a pathetically trying Ron.

"You're not even that powerful, Weasley." mocked Morgana as she blasted the said boy across the ministry.

Ron wiped the blood from his chin and glared at the girl, "Yes, I am!"

"Avada Kedavra." Morgana cast, but he rushed over to a fireplace and hid behind it, "Come out, Weasley. It's just a little game."

"A game of life and death." grumbled Ron.

Morgana cast a shield on herself as every glass in the ministry had shattered, thanks to Tom's powerful spells. She looked at Ron and smirked, making him shudder.

Albus and Ron stopped and watched in confusion as the two cousins disappeared from thin air, while the other four kids rushed in there.

"What's going on?" asked Luna and Hermione simultaneously.

Harry and Ron both dropped to the floor as they both felt immense pain. Harry's eyes, which were now Red, were looking into Dumbledore's, "YOU'VE LOST OLD MAN.."

Ron, who was also on the floor, continued in Morgana's voice, "MANIPULATION SHALL GET YOU NOWHERE, ALBUS."

Dumbledore paled by her words, while Ron started screaming in pain as he was forcefully living through fake memories of his greatest fears, making him weaker than ever.

Tom stepped out of possessing Harry and charmed himself invisible, watching in pride as his daughter was successfully possessing Ron.

"You're wrong.." said Ron in pain, "you will never know love..or friendship..and I feel sorry for you."

Morgana rolled her eyes and stepped out of the possession, looking at the boy on the floor, "Neither will you, thanks to your manipulations."

The floo roared, making Tom and Morgana share a look. Everyone stopped in the ministry as they saw the two disappearing from thin air.

"Who was that?" questioned a ministry employee.

"Lord Voldemort..and it seems like we've got a dark lady on our hands as well." replied Dumbledore, looking grave.

"He's back.." Fudge said in disbelief, finally believing Dumbledore.


As soon as the two apparated back home, Tom dismissed his deatheaters except for Lucius, while Morgana rounded up on Leo.

"Don't tell me you broke it.." said Morgana, her voice dangerously calm.

Leo gulped, looking paler than ever. "My lady, Mad-Eye Moody blasted me across the room..making the prophecy..break."

Morgana looked at him, unblinking. "Crucio." She murmured.

Lucius and Tom stopped their conversation when Leo started to scream and drop to the floor painfully. Tom smirked in pride as he realized that she was torturing him without a wand, something only he had managed to achieve, while Lucius' eyes widened as he realized the same thing.

"You've failed almost every task I've given you." sneered Morgana, "Why didn't you apparate away while you had the prophecy?!"

Leo flinched at her venomous tone but stayed quiet. He screamed in pain again when she continued torturing him.

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