/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘗 𝘏 𝘖 𝘛 𝘖 𝘎 𝘙 𝘈 𝘗 𝘏 𝘚/

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Morgana watched as Tom walked out of the library. His words struck her heart as she felt years of emotions that she tried to block out, rising up again. She immediately sat back down and grabbed the last thing on the table: The last book.

She blew the dust off of the book and opened it, immediately closing it as she saw what it was.

It was filled with photographs of her parents.

She sighed and put all the stuff back in the box, except for the locket that was still worn around her neck. She put the box back in its place and stepped out of the library.


"Horcruxium." mumbled Morgana as she pointed her wand at the locket that was on the table infront of her.

She dropped to the ground in pain, and felt herself blacking out.

Tom, who walked in right at that moment, rushed over and caught her, frowning when she fainted. His eyes moved onto the locket and he frowned even further.

About 3 minutes later, she woke up in his arms and frowned in confusion, "What're you doing here?"

Tom looked away from the locket and glared at her, "Why didn't you tell me you were making another horcrux? You're going to get tired-"

"No." She cut him off and pulled out a potion, "I came prepared."

He rolled his eyes as she drank the energy potion, "That won't make your headache go away."

"It's fine." She mumbled and stood up, walking out of the room with the locket around her neck.


Morgana tied Amara's hair as she kept throwing up, making her frown in concern. She conjured a glass of water and gave it to her wife when she was done, "What have you eaten? We should go see a healer—"

"I'm fine, ma belle." Amara cut her off after drinking the glass of water, "It's normal."

"Maybe you need to rest."

Amara nodded and giggled as her wife picked her up with no problems and put her on the bed, "Stay."

Morgana smiled softly as she laid next to her, "Of course, my love."

Amara snuggled up next to her and smiled when her wife kissed her head. "You're slightly cold. Are you ok?" She mumbled, half asleep already.

"Yes, darling." Morgana replied, playing with her hair.

Suddenly, Amara excitedly opened her eyes and looked into her wife's fond eyes, "Since you're responsible for our daughter's first name, I have an idea for her middle."

Her wife looked at her in shock, "I-..I'm naming her?"

"Of course." Amara immediately said, watching as her wife smiled, "Anyways, I think the name 'Esme' is beautiful."

"It is." Morgana agreed, "loved'.." she mused, translating the French name to its meaning.

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