/𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛- 𝘚 𝘜 𝘔 𝘔 𝘌 𝘙/

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Morgana apparated herself back to Slytherin Manor and gave her trunk to a house elf, "Take it to my room."

"Yes, mistress!" The house elf exclaimed and popped away.

"Well, well, well." A voice behind her said, making her turn around. Morgana blinked a few times at the man infront of her. He had a straight jaw, Black eyes with a few Red specks in them, Black hair, and was taller than her.


Tom grinned, "That's me."

"You did the ritual without me?" Morgana clutched her heart, "I was going to help!"

Tom huffed mockingly as they walked into the Slytherin library, "Oh, please, Belladona. I'm not letting you get near those dangerous stuff. Anyways," he grinned as he pulled out a box, "Open it."

Morgana eyes the box uncertainly as she took it and started opening it. Her eyes widened, "Is this what I think it is?"

"The Gaunt family ring. Yes, it is. The one you have on is solely for heirs, but the one in that box is passed on from generations." Tom started, his heart warming as she started smiling, "It used to be a horcrux of mine, but I used the horcrux in it to gain my body back. Now I've got only 5 more horcruxes."

Morgana gawked at him. "Five? Marvolo, teach me." She almost demanded, making him smirk.

"Where's Salazar?" He asked, changing the subject. Morgana rolled her eyes and pointed to a portrait where their great ancestor was looking at them, "He only talks and replies in parseltongue."

"Of course, he does." snorted Tom, making Salazar glare at them. A snake slithered in, making Morgana turn around, "Who're you?"

"That's Nagini." Her cousin answered instead of the snake, who was looking curiously at her, "She's another horcrux of mine. I made her a horcrux after the ritual."

"So you're teaching me how to make a horcrux?"

Tom looked at his cousin for a few seconds, "Fine."


"As in..murder?"

Tom nodded, "Yes, but you're too young-"

Morgana gave him a look, "What age did you do your first murder?"


"Great, because I'm 15 and I'm doing this..It does not have any side effects, does it?"

Tom shook his head, "No. When you split your soul into an object, your soul heals by time. However, it would be a mistake to tell anyone about it, so am I right in believing that you won't be telling anyone?"

"Sure, whatever." dismissed Morgana, "Now, where's the goddamn chamber?!"

Tom and Salazar shared a look, "Like I said, it's in a place you would least expect it to be at." Salazar hissed, making the cousins roll their eyes. Morgana looked thoughtful, "Well it's not like it's in a bathroom or something-.." she stopped when she noticed them exchanging a look.

She blinked a couple of times as she looked at Salazar, "You're-..you're serious?"

Salazar rolled his eyes and walked to another portrait of his, leaving his descendants together. "He's joking, right?"

Tom chuckled, making her huff in disbelief. "The great chamber of secrets which contains a monster only the heir of Slytherin can control..in a bloody bathroom?!"

He rolled his eyes at her dramatics, "When you think about it, it is actually a good place, no matter how stupid it may sound."

Morgana glared at him. "Yes..Very." She said sarcastically.

"Anyways, have you got a plan for if somebody thinks you opened the chamber?"

Morgana nodded as she started grinning, "You have a diary horcrux, right?"

"It's a journal-"

"Potter's a parselmouth, -no I don't know how-, anyways, when the situation shows itself, i'll make Potter talk in parseltongue and then people might start suspecting him. Then, in the end, I'll murder somebody by the basilisk and we'll just tell everyone that your diary was possessing someone to do the work."

Tom looked thoughtful. He didn't even care how she knew about his journal horcrux, since he accepted that the girl knew everything. "Good plan. And I'll be there every step of the way..Oh the look on Dumbledore's face will be priceless!"

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