/𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘐 𝘟- 𝘊 𝘈 𝘜 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛/

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Morgana frowned in confusion as she felt someone calling her. She put her daughter back into her caught and gave her and Amara a kiss, "I'll be back, darling."

Amara looked at her, "Where are you going, ma belle?"

"I'm getting called." Morgana replied, already halfway through the door, "I'll be back soon."


Morgana walked into the meeting room and stopped at the sight of Nymphadora Tonks being held by Leo and Regulus. "Well.." she smirked as she stepped inside.

"Where is he?" Morgana continued, her smirk turning into a hard glare.

Nymphadora's hair turned white, due to the fear she was feeling. "I'm not telling you anything."

Morgana seemed pleased by her shaking voice, "Crucio."

Regulus and Leo winced and rolled their eyes at her screaming, while Morgana was looking unbothered but her eyes held anger.

"How about now?" Morgana questioned, crouching infront of the lady on the floor.

Leo and Regulus looked shocked and outraged when Nymphadora quite literally spat on Morgana's face, "You can't break me."

Morgana tutted, wiping the spit from her face, sneered at the woman, "Legilimens."

Nymphadora laughed as the man infront of her told a joke. It seemed like they were on a date.

Morgana immediately recognized the man. Kingsley Shacklebot. He was dead now, though.

Morgana rolled her eyes and was about to move onto another memory, but stopped when Nymphadora started talking.

"Kingsley.." Nymphadora started, looking slightly nervous.

"Yes, Dora?"


"NO!" Nymphadora shouted as Kingsley fell into the veil, "NO! KINGSLEY!"

"Here's your son, miss Tonks." The nurse said, handing over a baby.

"Oh, you're precious.." Nymphadora mused, holding her newborn son.

"Mommy!" A 3-year old exclaimed, looking scared.

"Shh." Nymphadora said, looking pale. "Get into the cupboard. Be safe and don't make any noises until they're gone, alright? I love you, Oliver."

Morgana smirked, looking at the now-trembling woman. "Tell me where he is, or little Oliver might suffer."

"You wouldn't dare touch my son." Nymphadora seethed.

The dark lady merely raised an eyebrow, "Oh, yeah? It's just better to tell me where Ron Weasley is."

"No." The Metamorphmagus immediately said, "I'll sit back and watch as you die. My son is perfectly safe and you won't find him."

"Very well, then I suppose your son will grow up without parents. Any last words?"

"Go to hell."

"Oh, but you've misunderstood me." said Morgana with a mocking smile, which vanished when she continued, "I am the queen of hell."

Nymphadora closed her eyes as the wand was now raised infront of her. She didn't have time to think, being busy with being confused as to why it was silent.

Morgana non-verbally killed her, "You both have done well. But were you truly dumb enough not to notice somebody else in the damn house?"

Leo and Regulus shared a look, both of them wincing, "Yes, we were, my lady." The two chorused.

"Have the decency to look ashamed, at the very least." sneered Morgana as she walked out of the room, leaving the two ashamed cousins alone.

"We always fuck up."

Regulus snorted, "More you than me, Leo. More you than me."

"Fuck off."

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