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While they were waiting for Tom and the other half of the death eaters to arrive, Morgana pulled out nutrition potions, energy potions, and much more.

She gave each one of them every type of potions. "You look..familiar." mused Bellatrix as she looked at Morgana in thought.

Morgana merely raised an eyebrow, already sneering at the woman as the disgusting thoughts about her cousin appeared in Bellatrix's head. "Quiet down your thoughts, Miss Lestrange."

Bellatrix grinned, showing off her disgusting teeth, "Powerful Legilimens? And you're a deatheater too?.. So young as well. This is perfect-"

"I believe you have misunderstood me." Morgana cut her off coldly, "I'm not a deatheater. I'm a dark lady."

Bellatrix's smile faded. "What do you mean dark lady?"

"Not the dark lady you're thinking of, madam Lestrange." Morgana shook her head, "No, I'm not married to Voldemort or anything like that-"

"You better not be."

Morgana ignored her and continued, "I've become a dark lady with my own power and followers-"

"Yeah, sure." scoffed Bellatrix.

"Poor Regulus.." Morgana mused, knowing exactly which buttons to push.

Bellatrix frowned in anger, "What are you talking about?"

"You left him..for someone who would never want or love you. However, I don't blame Voldemort for not loving you..nor do I blame Mister Lestrange over there." Morgana nodded towards the calm-looking Rodolphus, who merely shrugged, "How do you not care that your wife loves someone else?"

"We only married because it was arranged." admitted Rodolphus, his voice slightly hoarse, "And we only had a son due to the Lestrange line needing an heir."

Morgana hummed, suddenly thankful that Regulus wasn't in the room with them. However, Bellatrix wouldn't let it go so easily and greedily watched as Morgana's wand somehow slipped from her pocket.

She smirked as she snatched the wand, but Morgana was too busy giving Rookwood and Dolohov potions to notice, "Avada Kedavra-"

But a fury-looking Tom walked in right at that moment and casted a shield on her immediately, "What is the meaning of this, Bellatrix? How dare you-!" He hissed through gritted teeth.

"My lord," Bellatrix bowed and pointed to the annoyed Morgana, "She had said some things to me, the most faithful servant of yours-"

"And you decide to kill her?!"

Bellatrix frowned in confusion, not getting why the girl was so important to her lord. "My lord, she's just a teenage whore-"

"Don't you dare talk about my daughter that way, Bellatrix." Tom cut her off and crucio'd her.

Everyone's eyes widened, even Morgana's. He had just called her..his daughter.

Tom, however, didn't look regretful at all and looked at his daughter, "Are you alright? Did she hurt you?"

Morgana could only give him a slight shake of her head, still in shock. Tom sneered at the woman on the floor and levitated some potions to the other deatheaters, who were just apparated in, "I'll be right back, everyone. Come, Belladona."


"Are you sure you're alright?" questioned Tom as soon as they were alone.

Morgana didn't reply to his question, "You-..you called me-..you called me your-..your daughter.."

Tom, however, merely smiled softly. "I did. I've adopted you, have I not?"

"But-.. I didn't think-.. I didn't think that you actually-.." she stopped as a few happy tears fell and tried wiping them away.

"Belladona," Tom started and pulled her into a hug, letting her cry on his shoulder, "I didn't adopt you for any reason other than the fact that I actually started to love you as my own daughter."

"You really mean that?" Morgana asked, her voice filled with desperation and joy.

"Of course, I do." replied Tom as he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead, "You're the daughter I never had but always wished for, Belladona."

Tom looked slightly shocked at the huge smile on Morgana's face, which even showed her dimples. Tom frowned at the fact that he didn't even know that she had dimples until this moment, meaning that Morgana hadn't ever smiled that big and genuinely.

"Why do you seem so shocked? I thought I had made it quite obvious-" Tom said suddenly, not liking the fact that he might've not assured her.

"But you never called me your daughter."

"I thought that you wouldn't want me to call you that. I thought that it might seem like an insult to your real father's memory to you-"

"All I ever wanted and needed was a parent." She cut him off, showing her vulnerable side as she looked away, "I've been alone since I was only a month old, Marvolo. The house-elves quite literally raised me and the only person I've ever talked to was Salazar's portrait till I was 11. I've never found true friends who didn't want me only because of my last name.

Regulus and Leo might care..but in the end, they both just want power. Amara was the only person to not want me for my last name and actually love me...

..I've been alone for years, Marvolo." She continued, now looking at him in the eyes, making him frown in pity and self-loathe at the amount of hurt in her eyes, "I don't know how you dealt with it."

Tom pursed his lips and gave a sad sigh, "My mother used a love potion on my father." He admitted after a few seconds of silence, "I never could feel emotions. Other than anger and misery, I didn't know what emotions were.. I think that's what struck me down to the path I've taken in the end.

Turns out, we're more alike than we thought and believed, Belladona. I also had..friends..whom only wanted power, something I took advantage of, honestly.." He wiped his tears that had started falling,

"Trust me, this is the first time I've ever cried, and it's not because of my story, but because of yours. You're the only person who ever made me feel, Belladona. You're my daughter; adoptive or not. And I'm extremely proud of the fact that even though I didn't raise you, you turned out to be the most wonderful and powerful woman I've ever known."

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