/𝘛 𝘞 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘛 𝘞 𝘖- 𝘏 𝘖 𝘙 𝘊 𝘙 𝘜 𝘟/

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The few months all passed by in a blur and so did O.W.L examinations. There was only a day of school left, meaning it was finally time.

"Do I have to?" questioned Tom, who didn't want to turn back into his animagus form, "It'll ruin my hair!"

"Nobody looks at your hair, Marvolo. Plus, I'd like to see you running around the halls, I mean what would Dumbledore say?"

Tom huffed, but changed to his animagus form, making Morgana smirk in victory. "Come on, Thomas. We're almost there..Well, I am." She corrected as the Black snake animagus coiled around her neck reluctantly.

Morgana calmly walked out of the common room with a fake diary of Tom's, which looked like it was stabbed by a basilisk fang. She saw Ginevra Weasley all alone, reading a book by the courtyard. There was nobody there, as everybody was in the great hall for dinner. "Imperio." Morgana mumbled, smirking when Ginny's eyes glazed over and started following her.

They rushed over to the bathroom, "Open." hissed Morgana and pushed Ginny into the chamber, following behind.


"Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest Of Hogwarts Four." Morgana hissed as Tom turned back from his animagus form and watched eagerly. "Kill her. By your eyes, though. Don't eat her. I'll need to show the body to Dumbledore."

Medusa nodded and did as she ordered. Morgana snapped Ginny out of her dazed state and rolled her eyes when the girl started shouting, but it was too late since she looked into the basilisk's eyes and was now..dead.

"It's going to hurt, Belladona." Tom informed, slightly worried.

Morgana didn't stop as she pulled off the Gaunt family ring off her finger, which they had planned to make into her first horcrux. She put it on the floor and pointed her wand at it, "Horcruxium."

Tom sucked in a sharp breathe as she let out a blood curling scream. He shut his eyes tight as she continued screaming. It was extremely hard for him to just sit there while his cousin, whom he counted as a little sister, was quite literally splitting her soul in half.

When Morgana finished screaming, Tom immediately rushed over her and pulled her into his arms. "Shh. It's okay. I'm here." He soothed as she was breathing heavily in his arms and silent tears rushed down her cheeks.

It really was a painful process, but it was worth it. And as they heard Harry walking in. Morgana quickly pulled away, while Tom wiped her tears and gave her a comforting kiss on her forehead, almost making her smile. "Is it..done?" Harry asked as he walked in.

The cousins nodded, both of them pointing to Ginny's body. Harry looked like he was going to be sick, so he turned away and caught the fake diary, which Morgana threw to him.


Harry was now in Dumbledore's office, lying about what had happened in the chamber. "I couldn't save her in time!" cried Harry, "Voldemort was out of the diary, but he was gone when I stabbed the diary. But Ginny is gone too!"

Dumbledore paled immensely throughout his explanation. "Very well, Harry. It's not your fault, my boy."

"MY BABY IS GONE!" sobbed Molly, looking outraged as she pointed a threatening finger to Dumbledore, "AND YOU'RE DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT?"

Dumbledore sighed tiredly. "Molly, from what Harry has explained, Ginny had been gone for months. She was possessed by Tom Riddle the whole time, opening the chamber and petrifying the students.."

And as Dumbledore was experiencing the wrath of Molly Weasley and the whole Weasley family, none of them noticed Harry smirking slowly.

Because this was just the beginning..
The end wouldn't happen for years to come..

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