/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘖 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘊 𝘏 𝘈 𝘕 𝘎 𝘌 𝘚/

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It was now December and alot had happened the past few months. Morgana and Amara had gotten married. It was a small and simple but beautiful wedding. Tom had almost cried when Morgana asked him for a father-daughter dance.

The married couple had also been trying for a baby the past few months but kept on failing for some reason. They had also decided not to go on a honeymoon since the war was rising.

Bellatrix had been seeing mind-healers 4x a week and was less bitchy with Morgana, and had even started paying more attention and giving affection to her son.

Barty and Rabastan..Well, they were the same and usually munched on popcorn and drank wine whenever a fight would happen (which would happen way more often than you'd think, but that's what you get for living with about 8-9 people). Rodolphus, as always, would either be busy dueling with his son (training him and preparing him for the war that would happen soon) or with his brother (trying to prove that he was better).

Tom and Morgana..They've been quite a mess searching for their horcruxes. Even though Morgana's was destroyed, she still wanted the Gaunt family ring back. However, she just hoped that Dumbledore had put it on, since she put a spell on the ring that would curse and kill whoever wore it if he/she weren't a Gaunt.

Tom had also found out who the spy was and killed him almost immediately.

All in all, alot had happened.


"You're not getting out of this manor!" exclaimed Tom as Morgana was about to floo out.

"Pardon?" Morgana asked, glaring at him already. Tom had become more protective over her since her horcrux was destroyed, claiming that they were after her and it was true.

"Belladona, the order members are after you." Tom said, looking desperate, "You only have one horcrux left and I'm scared-" she looked at him in shock as he said this. It was the first time that Lord Voldemort was scared of something. "-that I might lose you.."

"You won't." Morgana replied immediately, "I'll be back soon."

Tom watched as she flood away, pacing infront of the fireplace. As powerful as Morgana was, almost everybody in the wizarding world was after her at the moment.

Amara frowned as she looked at him, "What's wrong, Tom?"

"She's gone." He replied and finally sat down, glaring at the fireplace in anger, "She didn't listen to me."

"She'll be alright." Amara tried, but it was clear that she didn't believe it herself..


A bleeding Morgana stumbled through the fireplace that night. Tom, who was waiting for her, immediately stood up and laid her down on the couch, "I warned you!" He hissed, starting to heal her many wounds.

"It was worth it." Morgana replied calmly, "I killed 10 aurors at the same time, but didn't realize the last 3 who were behind me. I killed them too at the end."

Tom sighed, "Please stop this, just until Draco finishes his task and Dumbledore's finally gone—"

"You think that'll actually happen?" scoffed Morgana, "I sent him on a suicide mission, Marvolo. I did that on purpose because of his brother's many failures. Not even you could kill Dumbledore at the ministry."

Tom tutted, "Then you'll love what I've found out."


"Dumbledore had worn your ring." He said, smirking when Morgana's eyes lightened up, "His hand is decaying, the curse is spreading throughout his body as we speak. He'll most likely be dead by next year."

"That's brilliant." mused Morgana, suddenly tired. "I'm sorry for going out and worrying you."

He sighed, "It's alright, but you shouldn't go out unless it's absolutely necessary. Just wait until he's dead and we win the war."

"That'll take years."

"Then you're staying home for years. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Belladona."

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