/𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘠- 𝘔 𝘈 𝘡 𝘌/

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The months all passed by in a blur and it was finally the day of the third and final task. The champion's families were all there, except for Morgana, who only had Tom..Not that she minded, of course.

As they all stood infront of the maze, they each stayed with their family for a few seconds.

Tom hugged Morgana, a bit tighter than what they were used to. "Please be careful." He murmured.

"I will." Morgana assured him, but hugged him tighter, since she wasn't actually sure if she'd be alright or not.

"I believe in you, okay?" Tom said, "I love you."

Morgana smiled as they finally pulled away, "I love you too, Marvolo."

"Send Red sparks if something happens. Got it?"

She nodded, relaxing when he kissed her forehead. "Silence!" Dumbledore's voice boomed throughout the pitch as the champions walked to the middle and away from their families, "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Tri-Wizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows his exact position. Now as, Miss Gaunt-"

Morgana looked slightly shocked at the amount of applause she was getting. It was way more than usual. What was more shocking was that the other houses and even the other schools joined in on the huge applause.

"-Is in the first position. She will be first to enter the maze. Followed by Mister Krum and then Miss Delacour." Dumbledore continued, "First person to touch the cup, will be the winner!"

The applause started again. When it finally died down, Dumbledore continued once again, "Now, the staff will be patrolling the inside of the maze. At any point shall the contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she shall only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants, gather around."

Morgana rolled her eyes as she and the other two contestants gathered around Dumbledore, "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep, instead you'll face something even more challenging.

You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can but be very wary..you could just lose yourselves along the way. Champions, prepare yourselves!" Dumbledore finished, walking back as Morgana stepped up, Viktor behind her and Fleur behind him.

Everyone in the stands started applauding, while Morgana fidgeted with her rings, her eyes finding a worried Amara's. They both gave each other a weak smile

"On the count of three," Dumbledore said as the applause died down, "One—"

But he was cut off by Filch already blasting the cannon, making Dumbledore give him an 'are you serious' look.

Morgana looked at Tom one last time. If something happened in the maze, she would be glad that she atleast looked at the only family member she had, one last time.

"Goodluck." mouthed Tom as she stepped into the maze, which closed up behind her.


Morgana took a few deep breathes and started running. She took a few turns and stopped when she saw..

Tom's dead body, looking all bloodied up.

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