/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘛 𝘞 𝘖- 𝘔 𝘐 𝘚 𝘚 𝘐 𝘕 𝘎/

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As Tom was healing Morgana, Amara walked in and stopped at the sight of her wife looking almost..dead. "Morgana?" She whispered in shock.

"Shit." Morgana cursed and stood up slightly, "Hello, love."

"What happened—?"

"Nothing. I'm fine now."

Amara frowned, but couldn't continue as Morgana suddenly stood up as she kept touching her neck. "Marvolo." Morgana said, panic evident in her voice.

"Sit down, Belladona. You have way too many wounds-"

"My necklace is gone." She blurted out, making Tom's eyes widen.


"I knew I saw him!" exclaimed Morgana as she started pacing. Tom frowned, "Dumbledore?"

Morgana nodded and looked at him, "He has it. He's going to destroy it. I'm going to die-"

"No, you're not." Tom cut her off sternly, "We'll find a way to-"

But he stopped as Morgana fell onto the floor, "Morgan?" Amara asked in shock and panic.

Her eyes widened as Morgana let out a blood-curling scream, while Tom caught her body. "Shh, I've got you." Tom soothed, flinching when she continued shouting in pain.

Amara stayed quiet and watched in heartbreak as her wife started sobbing in pain, not knowing what to do. She frowned when she realized that this definitely wasn't the first time, judging by the fact that Tom wasn't looking too shaken-up as if he knew what was happening.

"Stop. Stop." Morgana mumbled, a painful sob escaping from her lips as one of her most painful memories was now appearing in her head.

"Why don't I have a mum and dad, Sal?" questioned a six-year old Morgana in parseltongue, looking at Salazar's portrait.

Salazar's eyes softened, "They're..gone, Morgana."

"Where? When are they coming back?"

It was better to know the truth and be in pain, rather than being happy with a lie, so Salazar just said the truth, "..Never."

Morgana's face dropped as she pulled out a book, "But-..Everyone has a mummy and daddy but me. Why?"

"Not everyone, Morgana." Salazar pointed to her book, "That's just a story. Most of the time, stories  aren't even real."

"..So, I'm alone?"

"You have me."

"You're just a portrait." Morgana pointed out, "You're not even real. The real you is dead."

Salazar almost snorted at her bluntness, but kept quiet and watched in pity as the six year old girl stood up.

"They all leave in the end." Morgana said, her voice bitter as she looked at the window, "I don't need them anyways."

Salazar frowned. That wasn't something a six year old should be saying.. but Morgana was no normal six year old.

And it was from that moment, Morgana closed off all emotions and would stay that way for years..

"Belladona?" questioned Tom worriedly as Morgana stopped screaming.

"I'm fine." Morgana mumbled and tried getting up, but tripped, Tom catching her once again.

"You don't look very fine." Tom teased, "You need some rest-"

Morgana wiped her tears and glared at him, "I said I'm fine."

Tom frowned slightly as she pulled away and walked out of the room. He made eye contact with Amara for a second before both of them rushing to catch up with Morgana.

"Where are you going?" questioned Tom in panic as Morgana rushed out of the manor.

"Going after Dumbledore." Morgana answered, not caring about the rain that was pouring.

"Morgana, don't-.." Amara joined in, looking panicked and heartbroken, "Please stay."

Morgana didn't look at her and was about to apparate away, but Tom grabbed her hand and angrily looked at her, but his eyes held extreme pain and panic, "Don't you dare leave us, Morgana."

She frowned at the sound of her first name coming out of her mouth, but he continued, "..Don't leave me."

Morgana looked shocked as tears welled up in his eyes, "Stay home, Morgana. We'll figure this out. You could die if you go out there all alone—"

"I'll be fine." Morgana insisted and pulled away, getting ready to apparate when her wife stopped her.

"Don't leave her." Amara blurted out.

Morgana frowned in confusion, "Who?"

Amara unconsciously laid a hand on her stomach, making Morgana's eyes widen. "You're-..pregnant?"

Amara nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat, "Please don't leave her. Don't leave us. Don't leave Tom.." her voice breaking as she continued, "Stay."

Morgana, however, didn't look away from Amara's hand. Tom continued, "We'll figure this out, Belladona. Come back inside before it's too late.."

Morgana sighed and nodded, making the two breathe in relief, "Fine."

"Thank you." Amara said, pulling her into a hug. Her wife didn't reply, merely hugging her back tighter.

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