/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘛 𝘞 𝘖- 𝘎 𝘙 𝘐 𝘔 𝘔 𝘈 𝘜 𝘓 𝘋/

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The door of the living room opened, catching the two cousin's attentions as a slightly pale Narcissa walked in. "You called for me, my lord?"

Morgana rolled her eyes at the fact of not even being welcomed. "Yes. Where did the Blacks live?" Tom asked coolly.

Narcissa's brows furrowed, "12 Grimmauld Place, my lord."

"Take us there."


"This is where the most Noble and Ancient house of Blacks used to live?" scoffed Morgana as Narcissa apparated away and left them be.

Tom snorted as he blasted the door open, earning an eye roll from Morgana for his dramatics. A house elf popped infront of them, glaring at the two, "Filthy thieves breaking into the noble house of-"

"This isn't even a house, elf." sneered Morgana from behind Tom, who immediately pushed her behind him as soon as the elf appeared infront of them.

"Kreacher is not a normal elf! Kreacher serves the most noble and ancient house of Black!" The elf exclaimed.

Tom and Morgana glared at him, "Blacks are nothing compared to us Gaunts." They replied simultaneously, sharing an amused look.

Kreacher's eyes widened with suspicion, "Kreacher must kick you out for breaking in and lying-"

"Oh shut up, would you?" Morgana hissed, showing off her Gaunt heiress ring and her Gaunt family ring, also known as her horcrux.

Kreacher stumbled back in shock, "What can Kreacher do for heiress and lord Gaunt?"

"That's better." sneered Tom, "I am in need of the real locket."

The elf stumbled back in shock once again as he saw the fake locket Tom held up. "That is the dark lord's! Kreacher will be giving you nothing!"

"I am the dark lord." scoffed Tom, showing off his Red eyes. "Bloody dramatic." Morgana mumbled.

Kreacher paled and nodded. He snapped his fingers and watched as the dark lord greedily took the real locket from his hands. "Holy Salazar Slytherin." Morgana said, looking at the locket in Tom's hands in awe.

Tom let out a slight chuckle. His eyes hardened as soon as he looked at the elf, "How did Regulus come across this?"

Kreacher started pulling on his ears as he looked down, "Dark Lord took Kreacher saying he needed a house elf for testing something. Dark Lord took Kreacher to a cave and gave him a potion, making Kreacher re-live Kreacher's worst memories. Then, dark lord left Kreacher alone in the cave and laughed as Kreached was almost killed by monsters from the cave, but was saved when Master Regulus called for Kreacher."

"Elf magic." murmured Tom, "How did I forget about that.."

"Are you going to ignore the fact that this bloody elf betrayed you, Marvolo?" Morgana asked in anger as she glared at the elf, who was practically shaking with fear.

"Of course not." replied Tom as he finally looked away from the locket in his hands, "Kreacher, this isn't over. I shall be using you in a few years for something."

Morgana rolled her eyes, since she wanted to see the elf get cruciod. "Let's go, Belladona." Tom said as he held up a hand, apparating both of them back to Slytherin manor.

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