Chapter 29

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Narrator's POV

With the directions from Louis, Mitch took Azam by the hand and tugged him up the large wooden staircase. She pushed through the door of the nearest guest room and pulled Azam in behind her. She didn't bother finding the light switch, leaving them in the dark room that had the moonlight shining in through an open window on the far side of the room.

Azam was pushed back into the wall beside the door, his back coming in harsh contact as Mitch's hands on his hips were the cause of force. Her body eagerly pushing against Azam's slim frame as her lips went to attack the revealed skin from Azam's low cut, white t-shirt. As her head was dipped to suck a harsh mark on Azam's clavicle, he managed to get a glimpse of the bright moon from out the window directly across from him.

"Y'know," he started, his palms flat against the wall as he was held prisoner to Mitch's pleasure, "It'd almost be a romantic setting. If we slowed down a bit." He panted out in shallow breaths as he felt the ever growing tightness in the front of his jeans.

"Mhm." Mitch hummed with a smirk on her lips. She knew the way Azam's body reacted to the rough, and fast paces she provides. She knew the way his body craved the hard thrusts she was known for.

Azam's eyes shut tight as his jaw protruded forward when Mitch's teeth came into contact against the sweet spot on his neck. He tried containing his noises, he tried not to give her the satisfaction of knowing how much he needed her. He tried, but ultimately failed when a small whine vibrated out of the back of his throat.

Mitch didn't miss it, the noise only encouraging her to ravish his body further. Her hands went to the hem of his shirt, not wasting a single moment as she tugged upwards.

Azam's arms aided her by raising and using his own hand to remove the material from his body. It leaves him in his black jeans that matched his collar as he stared down to Mitch's auburn brown eyes.

Mitch's hands raised up Azam's sides teasingly light, and slow, "Is this what you want? How badly do you want me, right now?" Mitch stared up into Azam's eyes.

Azam groaned deeply, the sound vibrating out of the back of his throat, "Fuck, I want you so bad. Oh god- I need you, Mitch. I need you." He groans, his voice getting lower with each word, his hips thrusting forward to push against hers; wanting to show her just how badly he needed her.

Mitch pulled away from him entirely, causing Azam to sink back into the wall. His chin raised upwards, as the top of his head dragged back against the wall as he slowly threw his head back. His fingertips itched at the walls, trying to grip something that just wasn't there. His knees bent as his back remained flat against the wall. A small whimper left his lips as he knew exactly what Mitch was doing. She was waiting for him to calm down and have control over himself. A challenge, because he felt he had horrid self-control while in her presence. He took three deep breaths, all of them audible to Mitch.

When she was satisfied with the way he regained control of himself, she stepped forward and moved her hands back to his hips. "How did your plug feel tonight?" she asked.

"Good. A little uncomfortable going from standing to sitting, and sitting to standing." He nodded his head, "But good."

"And do you think you're ready to be fucked? Because I want you bent over that bed while I fuck you. I want your hips in my hands while you feel yourself being stretched. I want you clenching, trying to find some sort of way to ease my thrusts, but failing. It always fails." Mitch spoke with her lips caressing Azam's neck. Her soft, plump lips ghosting over his skin in the most teasing of ways.

Azam groaned as he felt friction from the way Mitch rolled her hips onto his. She knew what she was doing as she worked him up. He couldn't keep his hands on the wall much longer, he had to touch Mitch, his hands couldn't reach much from the way Mitch had him pinned against the wall, but he managed to reach his fingertips just below her hips. "Fuck me. Fuck me over that bed and let me tell you how good it feels."

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