Chapter 50

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Harrys POV

"Hazza, please get dressed." Louis pleads as he stands up from the bed after tying his shoes.

He said he must've grown since the fitting over the summer because the blue suit is a little tight around his ass. I'm not complaining. Not in slightest.

I groan from where I'm lying on the bed.

After we cleaned up the tents and set up everything we could, Louis was told to start getting ready, and I wasn't about to just leave him.

Louis and I just came to his room and figured we didn't need the two hours to get ready, so we just laid on his bed and talked.

Whenever it got awkward he would always bring up how it was a bad idea to move the tv out, or to not bring his laptop.

I go to his closet where I knew the dress pants and dress shirt were hanging up. I pull the hangers off and set them on the bed.

Louis is standing in front of the wall mirror, doing his tie. I turn back around and take off my shirt first and then start taking off my pants.

I hear Louis' cough, and turn to see him looking at me in the mirror, still trying to clear his throat.

My cheeks grow hotter when I realize he's getting a great view of me in just my panties.

I stand up straight and quickly pull the pants off the hanger and pull them up my legs.

"You're very indiscreet you know." I shake my head with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, you just surprised me I guess." He says with a cracky voice.

I button up the pants and I reach for the shirt, out of the corner of my eye seeing Louis approach me.

"I'm sorry for reacting like that. I should've kept my cool." He apologizes and adjusts his tie to be a little looser.

I laugh, "Don't be. It was genuine."

I surprise myself with my reaction, I know I've become a lot happier with Louis around. I like to think it's just hard not to be happy around him.

He leans up on his tippy toes to kiss my cheek and I lean away from it.

I finish buttoning up the shirt and realize I have to undo my pants again just to tuck in my shirt.

"I'm glad it's not raining today." Louis says as he looks out the window.

"I know." I look across the room to him and I finish up getting dressed with my tie.

I grab his jacket from where he left it on the bed and I walk to be behind him, looking out the front window to see the cars being pulled in and lined up.

"Here." I say softly and I nudge the coat against his arm.

He looks back then slides his arm into the sleeve, muttering a thanks.

"You look handsome." I tell him with a smirk playing on my lips.

He turns around but doesn't have much room to back away from me so his hands go to my elbows as my hands go to his waist.

I may have taken a small step closer to really ensure he didn't have much space to move.

"Harry?" He asks and looks up to me, his blue eyes wide.

I look from his down to his lips that are parted.

"Yes, Louis?" I ask, my voice is deep and teasing.

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