Chapter 16

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Narrator's POV

"Harry!" Louis boomed as he barged through the front door of his own home and marched right into the living room.

Harry remained seated in his recliner chair for the duration of Louis's absence, the only difference being now he has a can of RootBeer in his hand. He looks up to acknowledge Louis the best he can, he was interrupting the best part of the movie for god sake!

"Harry." Louis growls as he stands in front of Harry to block his view of the TV.

"What do you want? Just leave me alone." Harry cranes his neck trying to see the ending of the film.

"Leave you alone?" Louis exasperated. "Leave you alone! Niall was left alone and look where that got him! Niall is over there recovering from a bloody panic attack because of what you said! I get it okay, you don't like thi-"

"What happened to Niall?" Harry now became alert, listening to every word Louis spoke, for once.

"You heard me Harry! A panic attack. That poor boy was downstairs shaking and sobbing for God knows how long!"

"What do you mean!?" Harry shouts, now standing up and invading Louis' personal space; if there was any to begin with. "Where was Liam?"

If this were a cartoon you'd be able to see the steam shooting out of Harry's ears, and the flames of fury in his eyes. Not knowing how long Niall was by himself indicates Liam wasn't with him.

"That doesn't matter Harry. You said things to-"

"The hell it doesn't matter!" Harry has spent more than enough time arguing with Louis already. He needed to get to Niall immediately. If fucking Liam is supposed to be with him but isn't, then Harry sure as hell will be happy to step up. He knows Niall needs someone, deserves someone.

He turned to exit the living room and strides urgently to the front hall. He slipped on his shoes and didn't even bother with a jacket.

"Where do you think you're going? Liam doesn't want you anywhere near Niall or Zayn!" Louis follows Harry to the hall and was trying to keep up with him by slipping on his pair of toms, he wasn't even flinching as he flattened the heel of his shoe.

"Oh I'm not going for them." Harry shook his head and swung open the front door.

He made a beeline across the street, he knew he could be faster than Louis if he wanted to.

Being the only two houses on the street, as well as being best friends, has the perks of not worrying to lock your doors. It gave Harry the easy advantage to enter Liam's house without a barrier.

He didn't exactly know where Niall would be, living room, kitchen, any of the presumably many bedrooms this house has to offer.

Harry's adrenaline pumping through him heightened his ability to make quick decisions. His first impulse was to check what's closest, the living room.

Harry turned his head like a madman, in search for someone he claims isn't his best friend, but deep down he knows the Irishman has found a permanent spot somewhere in him.

"Harry!" Louis calls as he just entered the house too.

Harry couldn't give a rats ass about Louis, or anyone else that wanted control over him.

Harry peered around the corner and there, he found Niall wrapped in a blanket and resting peacefully on the couch. Harry knelt carefully in front of the sleeping boy, he can see the red rimmed eyes and the tear tracks. He can see the red indents on the pale lips from where Niall must've bit down. He can see the hair stick together from the obvious amounts of sweat that Niall's body must've generated.

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